Secondhand smoke and drug test =P


Active Member
So, ive been clean for a pretty good while now, havent smoked in about six weeks (since I started work). But, I was chilling with some friends last night, and they were smoking in the same room as me. One asshole even blew a big ass cloud of smoke right at me lol (they knew I could get drug tested).

Sure fuckin enough, I get a call from work this morning saying that I need to go to the local hospital Wednesday morning for a urine analysis, fucking lame.

Im pretty freaked out, I cant seem to find anything concrete about weather or not secondhand smoke will cause you to fail a test. Id hate to lose my job when I didnt even get to get high =( lol.

P.S I know this isnt 100% appropriate in this forum, I apologize for that. Its just you guys are usually full of good info heh.


Active Member
i would go take some cleaning solutions, like the fruit punch or the tea, followed by lots of water.
start peeing like a race horse. flush your self out.


Na, you'll be fine. Unless you tried to breath in that bigass cloud, they set the cut-off levels on the tests so that 2nd hand smoke wont trigger it.


Active Member
Yeah you SHOULD be alright but if you are a very heavy smoker it could still be in your system.. Go get yourself some quickfix synthetic piss imo


Active Member
The test came back negative. Good deal, and I was around massive amounts of smoke at a party. That cutoff level must be pretty high lol.