Searching for cheap HPS!

Filipino Hooker

Active Member
Plus rep and a lot of gratitude to anybody who can find me a cheap 250 watt or higher HPS grow light online that accepts money orders.

I'm using fluoros right now and I think hps would be better for flowering... right?

Oh and by cheap my goal is like... under $80. :blsmoke:


Active Member
HTGSupply is always a reliable source for some pretty cheap lights compared to the other hydro stores. The shipping could get a little expensive though, but I definitely think it's well worth it.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same situation as you. From what I've gathered that 250watt HPS has an amazing price but it's from a company called Inside Sun whose rep is far from good. Complaints tend to be emails are ignored, it can take 5+ weeks to ship, and the ballast has some really shoddy work. (Sometimes even a fire hazard!)

I'd suggest going to HTGSupply. You can get a 150w for $85 shipped or a 250w for $140 shipped and they are very reliable and new. (Not a refurb like the 250 above.) Unfortunately under $80 for a 250w+ isn't possible. I've searched EVERYWHERE. I hope someone can prove me wrong though cuz I'd buy one today too!

Good luck man!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I didn't look at who sold it, I just found an $80 hps.I'd say htg is the best bet, but you won't get a 250 for 80 bucks.:bigjoint:
I'm in the same situation as you. From what I've gathered that 250watt HPS has an amazing price but it's from a company called Inside Sun whose rep is far from good. Complaints tend to be emails are ignored, it can take 5+ weeks to ship, and the ballast has some really shoddy work. (Sometimes even a fire hazard!)

I'd suggest going to HTGSupply. You can get a 150w for $85 shipped or a 250w for $140 shipped and they are very reliable and new. (Not a refurb like the 250 above.)

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Stoney McFried, yeah it sucks. Inside Sun's website has crazy prices. You can get a 400w HPS for $120 shipped. I guess you get what you pay for. :wall:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Mine cost a bit more, from htg.I got the 400 watt with the extra switchable metal halide bulb and timer, however..
Stoney McFried, yeah it sucks. Inside Sun's website has crazy prices. You can get a 400w HPS for $120 shipped. I guess you get what you pay for. :wall:

Filipino Hooker

Active Member
ok... so htg supply it is. Is everyone sure that they accept money orders? I could go and check myself but why do the work if someone else will do it for me?

uh... jk.


Well-Known Member
hey man if your in the US check out your local Craigslist just search HPS and youlll most likely find one near you.. i got 2-250w systems off there $80 for both and they both work great!


Well-Known Member
ok... so htg supply it is. Is everyone sure that they accept money orders? I could go and check myself but why do the work if someone else will do it for me?

uh... jk.

yes they do. i ordered 2 600 hps and a bunch of supllies last week. i sent out my $ orders last sat, and my order was shipped yesterday. they seem to have good service, and they were about 500.00 (total order) cheaper than any of my local grow shops. i dealt with tony, very nice guy and very helpful