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smivvie thanks :) i know what your saying is completely true, but i have no money :(, also, i don't know how many grows i will be able to do yet, this might just be a one time thing.
I get what you are saying bro, so why not try a different route? Its warm enough to go outside now, so why not get some 60 day autos and grow outside?? What you save on buying street weed once they are done will most likely give you enough to save up for a good indoor grow. Alternatively grow enough autos to get smoke for a year?? Not difficult to do, if an outside auto gives you an ounce dry, and guerilla grow a couple of full size plants, you should be smoking your own in 10 weeks, and regular plants will give you plenty. Theres a plant called The Church, attitude do 5 fem seeds for £17. My mate has just grown one indoors with a long veg, and pulled 15oz from it - and it is suited to cool climates,
Its going to be my outdoor grow this year, worth thinking about mate, there are more options this time of year !


Active Member
I'm only 18 and still live with my parents, therefore outdoor growing is a no go :/. I like the idea though. Just found the church seeds, gonna favourite them as i like the idea of an outdoor grow, maybe one day :)

thanks by the way :D