Scrog Q 4 the experienced


thinking of doing a 150w HPS scrog and wondering how high over the screen the buds will grow. I saw an answer in a refrigerator post, guy did a 150w master kush but cant find that now. If it's scrog'd tight, how much growth will be over the screen? I need to know for deciding necessary cab height light placement etc.


Well-Known Member
I try to keep them all about 8 inches over the top of the screen for the tops to have a little room for when they start packing the weight on. I train for about 14 days into flower before they stop stretching, but some strains are longer. Somwhere between week 2 and 3 most if not all of the stretching is done so you can let them develope above the screen at that point. Easiest way to tell if they are about done stretching is when their stems get tough, almost wood like, but be careful cause they will snap like wood too.

If you are really tight on space though, why not try super cropping? Essentially its the same concept of growing as scrogging, just without the screen.


Spandy thank you, but keep what at 8 inches over, too much info and not enough at the same time. Simple Q, simple A please ... At what height will a scrog under a 150w HPS finish indica/sativa, don't care ... A response for a tard like me to understand should go something like "When mine finished they were about 8" over the screen" or "when this guys (link here) finished they were at about 4" over the screen" thanks a bunch