SciFi / Fantasy Readers?


Well-Known Member
Asimov. The idealist.
Dick. Tortured, struggling, and bat-shit crazy.
Heinlein. The realist.

Pretty much sums it up for me.


Active Member
Im waiting for the next jim butcher book changes to come out, untill then i would like a good long set of books. Do you guys have any sugestions?


Well-Known Member
It's definitely a different style than the Dresden books, but maybe check out the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' books by George R. R. Martin. (Book one is 'A Game of Thrones').
The plot gets pretty complex, and there are a lot of characters to remember. So, it may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but once you get going with it it's totally addicting. Really great stories IMO.

I should warn you, there are only four books written so far. I think there will be seven of them eventually. (Sorry appleseed, I probably should have warned you about Name of the Wind).

HBO has picked this series up, and has started filming it. I can't wait... all I've read about it so far makes it sound really promising. I think it's supposed to be out in early 2011. I'd definitely recommend reading the books before the film series comes out.

Also, if you're not so into starting an unfinished series, maybe check out the Farseer Trilogy (first book is 'Assassin's Apprentice'), by Robin Hobb. Appleseed, if you liked the feel and writing style of The Name of the Wind, I think you'd like these. Great writing, great character development, an exciting, complex plot, and there's a bit more action that TNOTW.

smoker toker

Active Member
Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth series... not sure about the whole series but Wizard's First Rule is a VERY good book =)... I don't like to read


Active Member
Has anyone ever read The Painted Man from the Demon Series? A friend recommended it to me just wondering if anyone knows what its like


Well-Known Member
Good to see more interest in reading here at the site. I would really enjoy the opportunity to join in a book club of some sort here. Let me know if anything develops.

Just finished Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. It was ok, but I would first recommend Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World and The Wind Up Bird Chronicle-- surrealist and psychological, with a good sense of humor.

Also, if you haven't read him, give Stanislaw Lem a read. His Master's Voice and Chaos are absolutely fabulous, particularly if you like hard science fiction.


Active Member
Right now I'm reading "The great kings war". been done before. 2nd book in a series and I'm reading it anyway. Well written and stands on it's own without having read the first book. If any of you are unaware of it, search "Baen free library". Thats right, Baen publishers GIVE AWAY dozens (hundereds) of novels in many electronic formats. I recently noticed I can now get them formatted to my Kindle. They also have some of the best prices on ebooks anywhere on the inventory they don't give away.
I've been reading sci-fi since "Skylark" and "lensmen". I remember "perry rodin: volume 1". There is a rather long list of authors I can honestly say I've read everything they've ever written. Lately I find myself looking for "space opera". We live with cell phones and emp bombs. Don't tell me about how the plasma drive works or where the gun gets it's energy. Just tell me "(S)He whipped out thier blaster and fried the bad guy before they jumped on the spaceship..." Honor Harrington universe (Weber?), Elizabeth Moon, Classic Norton, and I just read a DELIGHTFUL goof romp by rosemary Edgehill called "Warslayer" (I think) free from baen books. Sort of Buffy meets Kolchack and gets into bondage... Really fun. Also just restarted the "foundation" series. Not the one by Lackey but I've read those too. The Classics.. Harry Sheldon etc.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
its old, but i just finished asimovs foundation series..i dont know why i did, it was terribly boring. i guess i just invested so much time in them i just had to keep reading...looking for something else now.