Science jokes. Please submit your own


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​Q: When was Heisenberg born?
A: That's very uncertain

Higgs Boson walks into a church and the priest says 'Sorry but Higgs Boson's aren't allowed here. Higgs Boson replied, ' Well without me, how can you have mass?'

A neutron walks into a bar; he asks the bartender: " How much for a beer?" The bartender looks at him and says: "For you, it's no charge".

There is a pessimist an optimist and an engineer all discussing a ½ glass of water the pessimist says well its half empty, the optimist says its half full, the engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Q: Why did the microbe fall into the toilet?
A: He got pissed off

Q: What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome?
A: Pull down its genes.

Helium walks into a bar,
The bar tender says "We don't serve noble gasses in here."
Helium doesn't react.

Q: Why do growers prefer nitrates?
A: Because they are cheaper than day rates

Aaaaaand we're done here