Scavenger Box (Ghettolicious first grow)


Well-Known Member
So I'm conducting myself a little bit of a grow here and figured I'd share it all with the world. Before you start laughing, or I guess while you're laughing, bear this in mind: I'm broke, nigga. During more prosperous times I bought a 15 pack of lowlife auto mixed beans. Figured they'd be good to have when I felt like finally giving it a shot. Been spending too much time here and on icmag, said fuck it, started looking around the house for the makings of a grow box. It cost me almost nothing, all scavenged from the house, or in the lights case, scavenged from friends. The CFLs I needed for flowering are pretty damn common and I was able to find all I needed just around. Though it is pretty weird asking a friend if they feel like trading light bulbs. It is by no means polished, but then it wouldn't really be me.

obviously stealth is really not the issue

Oh yeah, one thing I did buy, a 3 way bathroom vanity fixture from lowe's. It cost me like 6 bucks with my friends employee discount. It's supported by a pole I ripped off a circulating fan and the box that a pull-up bar came in.

Wired from an old extension chord, I used different household debris to adjust height of the lights until I was able to string them over the bar-n-box combo previously outlined. Alot of DVD cases, computer game cases and what have you. DVD cases worked great for later when the lights were suspended and I needed to bring the plants closer to the lights. Since they were AF i was in there moving stuff around every day or other day, but being my first grow I was in there just being a nosey father half the time anyway. I could add or remove dvd cases per 3'4-1" of height I either needed or didn't. Kinda ghetto but I got a friend whos now using it on his young plants so he doesnt have to keep moving his big ass light every two days so maybe theres something to it.

Two PC fans, this one an intake the one opposite the box an exhaust. They do okay, they could do better but Ill have it fixed by the next time I use this

On to the weed!

In a bit.

Cleaned out a prescription bottle, filled it up and dropped seven in. I set it beside my computer tower and let it go. After a few days all but one popped, and into the soil they went.

All were planted over the course of a few days. Sadly, I'm an idiot, or atleast lazy so just grabbed soil from the garden not knowing what it was. It was some miracle grow crap and I think it may be why I only got four out of the six that germed alive, and one of those is incredibly stunted. I tell you, she's gonna give me one hell of a bowl pack though.
Various growth pics, the third being the runt

More growth pics, I'm not going to be as detail oriented through these because they're pretty self explanatory. All the potting containers are around a gallon to two gallons dpeneding on what was around. We have a popcorn tin, a milk jug, and two, count 'em two, dog food containers.
The runt, perhaps has a bit of the auto blueberry in it because it threw out two sprouts, one a very weak sister that didnt do much but die and is super picky about its conditions. Its flowering now, but its not that much bigger than pictured here. Like I said, hell of a bowlpack.
Playing some Grails for the girls
Mmm, yeah girl. Found their pimp around this point and tossed him out on his ass like dolemite. Got my own little ogres angels thing going now.

N deficiency? Light burn? Nutrient burn? Added some miracle grow all purpose plant food (this is like day 26) at like, maybe an 8th of the strength recomended a week ago after a few days trying to figure out what it was. It seems to have halted but I also rerranged my light and height setups a bit. Any ideas?

And then she started flowering, and i'm actually happy, since this is all experimental anyway and I still have plenty of AF and non AF seeds I could care less. Its cool seeing a little micro-cosm of buddgae going on when I look at it up close. Sadly my camera broke a few days ago and until I can figure out how to fix that with DVD cases and electrical tape itll have to wait. Day 32 now, those are up to from around day 25-26 I guess. They've all been trimmed a bit to let the budsites that are now starting to actually look like buds get some light and air, and I'm also running one through a gauntlet to see if I can get some feminzed seeds. Trimmed her pretty heavy and have been throwing her light cycles all out of whack. No bananas yet, but I'm not even sure when to start looking when dealing with Auto-flowers. Day two or three of light stress on her so we'll see. Tell you, though, hardly recognize these ladies with a haircut.

So anyway, thats it so far. Got about a month to go and I'm happy as shit about it all. I've learned a ton, which was the point, and hopefully soon I can help teach others. I figure if I can grow something smokeable with next to nothing, imagine what I can do when I actually put money towards it? And with that in mind I'm off to scavenge parts for a makeshift mom and clone set up for a Snocap fem I have growing.

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Well-Known Member
So, your plants look healthy. however if you ever get the chance to throw some more lights in there youd be alot happier in the end. six cfls are enough for one plant, if you want middy type bud. but it looks like your doing an awesome job. I hope it goes well. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Ya bud you are doing great! My ONLY advice since you got shit under control is slowly save up 100$ go on ebay and buy a proper HPS ballast/light/refelector with a MH conversion bulb included. I know the pain of having no money so you get props and rep for a nicely documented ghetto grow that is working. Keep up the great work check out ebay the 100$ is for a 400W if you are going small and money is REALLY REALLY tight and isn't ever going to get better you can go a little smaller and just use the HPS and supplement the HPS with those CFL's you already have. You won't save much though maybe 20$ so aim for the 100$ one.


Well-Known Member
Hey panselmo (its goddam electric!) and aluckyshot, thanks for all the input. I had a feeling lighting would become an issue soon but I think fates on my side for this one. Last night while helping out an old friend we got to talking about our projects. He switched over to outdoor a few years back and hasn't looked back and he's got a couple lights I can mess with. I'm not sure the specs but he's got an MH and an HPS that have just been sitting at his house so I'm heading over there tonight to pick 'em up. I know it all depends on what I'm working with and as soon as I know I can get more specific. I guess I'll see what I get to play with tonight, like a late birthday present hehe. I'm thinking I'll throw my girls under one or both of those tonight and use the CFls and the box as a clone station now. I gave him seeds we got in a bag of outdoor "snowcap" (who knows) a while back and he's got four ladies going strong so I figure I'll take a few clones and put 'em in there while my autos finish. Do you think I could maintain one mother with the 6 bulb set up pictured? Anyway, thanks again for stopping by and dropping me some pointers, the girls thank you as well hehe.


Well-Known Member
Yep I definitely think you could keep a mother plant alive with those CFL's, that is basically exactly what I am doing with fluorescents. Man you are so lucky scoring the proper lights from a friend. I was a fool and figured I would never grow myself and gave away a HPS light long ago.

I am not sure how big you can go with your grow but one thing I would look into is as you said use your cfl's for a couple mothers, use the MH for vegging, and setup the HPS in a flower room. If you got the room to do that might as well setup 3 areas and just seperate them with a heavy gauge black plastic tarp.

This is all just for shits and giggles of course, sounds like you can't really go wrong. You got all the lights you can use and just need to decide what works best in your place. I can't wait to see the update with the new lights bud, no matter what you choose to do with them.


Well-Known Member
Uploading some pics I took from my cell this morning. Kinda of shitty pics but you can get an idea of whats going on. He had two 175w MHs, a ballast, two t12 fluros and a ballast for those. The MH bulbs are blown but I doing some research I think my ballast can power 150w hps as long as it fits in there. If not are conversion bulbs viable? Since we get plenty of sun and good temperatures where I am I put the one I was stressing (who finally showed both organs) outside to finsih off as to not pollinate the other two. This free'd up alot of my lights so I have all of them on the big one now and the small runt one isnt even as big as my 42w CFL so I have her sharing one with some of the other budsites. I had to move thme a little to get my phone in there but its basically halo'ed in cfls where there are budsites. I trim them every 4 days or so to let light get to the lower spots, Ill probably do it again tonight. They've got about a month to go and I start a new job this week which pays alot better so Ill be able to replace those bulbs in a couple weeks. I've got a spare bathroom that I'm doing this all in and am planning on doing a SoG in a rubbermaid DWC next. When I move into my new place in 6 monthes Ill have a whole bedroom and plan to get like 4 going on perpetual with some bigger lights but I got space for one, two with better lights right now. I have a snowcap mother growing under the CFLs I used before flowering. Think I should light proof the shower, use the MH in there for my assorted mothers, use the box I did these in as a clone box (since Ill only be vegging about a week or two) and the HPS for flowering? And should I use the t12s at all? Thanks for checking up, man, I'm psyched about it all. Here are a few pics.



Well-Known Member
Think I should light proof the shower, use the MH in there for my assorted mothers, use the box I did these in as a clone box (since Ill only be vegging about a week or two) and the HPS for flowering? And should I use the t12s at all? Thanks for checking up, man, I'm psyched about it all. Here are a few pics.
Yep that sounds like a great setup! I would probably use the T12 also but I am a weirdo and push around 11k lumens per square foot. However it is up to you, power usage, heat, etc.. etc... vary by setup.

Looking good!


Well-Known Member

Just an update on the bigger one snapped with my phone before I pruned her back this morning. Light burn on some of the leaves, adjusted the lights. Smells like cypress hill concert in my bathroom so I assume everythings going good. Since it was a mixed pack of lowlife hybrids, anyone care to take a guess what genetics might be in there?


Well-Known Member
Never had real hash before, suddenly my dude drops four different kinds on me

all pruned up, with and without flash (and I just figured out my phone has a resolution setting)



Well-Known Member
Thanks dude! Doin' what I can with what I got. Smells becoming a huge, huge issue right now so I'm off to research a ghetto odor combatant. I read about Someone using lemon pinesol in one of those little ornamental waterfalls you plug into the wall which could work and wouldn't seem too out of place in a bathroom. The smell, atleast. Then again, you open that room and its blazing like the mid-day sun behind a thin ass curtain so whether or not it looks out of place doesn't really matter. Thanks for the rep man and wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd update a little bit before I start the new job and Too Human comes out because I'll probably be updating less (I also think I've figured out a way to get fallout 3 early which may become a major health issue for my plants hehe) NERD and I just cleared up some space on my phone. Need a fucking camera.

Here's the little kushy runt, or the 8th on a stick as I've been calling it..smells kinda kushy kinda sweet, looks kinda kushy, threw out a little twin after it popped (two sprouted from one seed, one her one that never got bigger than a clover) and is a really tempermental plant which makes me think there might be some auto blueberry in there too. Ill never know but the pictures do it on justice, its the one thats getting the four month cure that I'm going to break out on special occasions:

Smoking, pruning:

Not going at the sugar leaves as aggressivley now since theyre getting loaded with resin and I'm a couple weeks off from harvest so whatever but I still do alot of micro-management on them every three days or so. They almost look manicured at some points but it seems to be doing them well and getting the most out of the feeble lights I have them under

Here's the snowcap motha, got some clones of her coming from a friend I gave some seeds to soon so I'll have a couple different pehnos to fuck with:

G13 clone just started showing roots today
. Don't know if its male or female yet, figured I'd keep it even if it was a male because I'm all about some genetics. I want to breed and if its male I'll just take its pollen and cross it with one of the female autos outside right now and call it Young Geezy. Fuck it hehe.

stoner boner!


Well-Known Member

big bonsai:

8th on a stick:

Big Bonsai Angle Dos:

Started working somewhere new today, found out my boss gives seminars on genetics and breeding of plants. Each hour of seminar is an hour we have to work for him which works out great. And yes, he used to grow weed, so should be really informative, and any questions weed related I may come up with I can just lay on him at work. Just an update for the couple folks who've been following. Back to Too Human.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the update - looks great! Congrats on the new job. Pretty cool you get to spend an hour learning & get paid for it.


Well-Known Member
Well, his seminars he just trades us hours for so it'd be like four hours of work for the lecture but either way it's awesome. He's a cool boss, he told me he'd rather me come in hungover or on three hits of liquid instead of calling out, that he can find a job I could still do trippin balls. He's into extreme cross breeding of different produce so it should be really cool, guy knows his shit. He even cooks us lunch! So I'm farming in the mornings and fixing computers at night, kinda weird, huh? The girls look better by the day, though, and even my outdoor hermie is doing okay. I should be smoking by september 11th hehe.


Well-Known Member
I mean...its kinda stealthy, right?

G13 clone planted in soil, dont think my friends know what sex the plant I took it off was yet but even if its a male Ill find a place for it. What it came off of is beautiful:

8th on a stick, looking so damn good. Once again, the pictures dont do it justice but its coated with crystals, is mostly straight bud and smells amazing:

Across the tops:

Cola of the unknown stinker. If I had to put a guess on it I'd say one of the auto AKs fucked one of the auto skunks for this cross but I guess Ill never know. Ill snap a pick of my outdoor hermie tomorrow for the hell of it since I havent yet:

Snowcap, female, hopefully my new momma. I want to order some new seeds soon, I'm all about kush and love indicas in general because they help me with pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia but they arent the best thing to start my day on sometimes so an almost pure sativa would be nice to have. I'd like to start messing with a small dwc project from clones in order to get ready for something SoGgy and bigger later this year when I move so figured it'd be a good start:

Sorry if you guys are sick of this already but I'm not ;) We're getting into that final stretch, I think I'm just going to finish them with CFLs just for consistencys sake. First paychecks going to getting two mh and two hps bulbs for my two bases and ballast I inherited but thats a few days off and even if it made a difference I cant imagine it would be much. Itll be 60 days on tuesday, harvest is anywhere from 65-75 days so what the hell.