Sayin hey there!

Greetings & salutations to all the members here at RollItUp! I'm looking forward to making new aquaintences here, expanding my knowledge of my most favorite herb (well, tarragon does taste a wee bit better, but does nothing for my head or pains- lol) & it's consumption as well as growth. I am ignorant about growing it...I mean, I know how to put a seed in the ground, fertilize & water it, but it seems they always get leggy (tall) grow 4 or 6 leaves then kick the ol'bucket on me <sigh>. In addition I look forward to learning differant styles of consumption from all of you here, discussions on your experiences, reccomendations as well as having tons of laughs -I LOVE to laugh & am a bit of a smart-ass, but not in any intentionally hurtful or mean way! Anything you think is relevant to my expansion of my knowledge here, please feel free to gimme a head's up!
About me: Married, came of age at the end of the 80's, former dental assistant, purchasing/receiving warehouse clerk & now I take care of my parents as one has become disabled & the other has Alzheimers. I smoke every day -except for those lousy days when you run out between purchases -for the high (reason #1, of course!!), the mental relaxation it provides me (mild case of ADD, managed thru my own awareness of when it's happening I can concentrate harder to focus, when needed...otherwise it's a great mental escape from whatever B.S. going on-lol) so I tend to ramble & of course for pain relief. I suffer from migraines, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia along with a few cervical discs in my neck & lower back that are a little compressed with reduced cervical fluids between the affected vertebrae. Nothing has helped all my issues as easily, continuously & pleasantly as marijuana. Done with all the damned Rx's! I prefer Indica overall, love to smoke it with a bong bongsmilie with ice water & will smoke from the pipe (or apple core or soda can if I gotta!!) or occasionally a joint. ummmmmmm...can't think of anything else really, as my bong is singing it's sweet song "Smoke me, smoke me! Smoke! Smoke!" :hump: some of you who remember Billy Sqiure's "the Stroke" may recongnize that bong song! <wink wink> so's I gotsta go smoke then read more posts here. Looking forward to getting to know you all here!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.
You might want to get a Vaporizer. You only smoke the vapor instead of the rest of the crap. I love mine, I have the Vacano now for 10 years. It will save you $$ on weed or your growing now so you will not have to grow as much. Read up on it!
Again welcome we are here to help!
well Hi Grampa 1949....thanks for the freindly welcome! Ya know, I'd like a volcano (except when I see the price tag...I think to myself 'yeah, ok...but that's a whoooooooolllle lotta weed I can buy & smoke the hell outta fer days with that kinda dough! LOL) but sadly, I only know 2 people very well that use them & they've both said you burn thru more weed & the high is less intense, so they both have gotten rid of their volcano's (both did have the volcano brand). Yet I've read here & other MJ forums the opposite. I am keeping my eye on Ebay to buy one closer to the $300 mark than the nearly 600$ mark. But thank you very much for adding to the positive side of opinions which keeps me leaning toward buying one. I do hate it when I take a big ripper hit & I get the choak/cough attack...ruins the moment! Your Pepper's a cutie!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Most likely your friends did not read the directions. I use .03 grams to put into the container. At 350 degrees no higher. It will give me enough to last a night. Most people make the mistake of thinking you need to see smoke, you don't. Your smoking a vapor you really can't see the vapor. You use less if you know what you doing.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Then I save the left overs and make brownies and other goodies. You only use about 20% of the THC in the vape. So you see you have plenty left to cook with.
I am creative so I save!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Thank you about Pepper! She's my service dog. She's very well trained. Rotty's are very loyal, she follows me around anywhere I go in the house or out even in my car. Even when I go into the grow area she loves to smell the plants. She does guard my grow area. When folks come over, she play with them a while then she goes to the door and lays down!

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Thanks, she loved the scratch behind the ears which led to laying down and a Belle rub!
She says THANKS!


Active Member
Nice intro and welcome to rui...i also have some similar afflictions, funny thing was i didnt kno the herb was helping till i had to stop 4 a piss test a few years back, ive been cronic and well supplied since i was 17 years old and had never had to stop in 20 or so years....with this realization it was clear to me the many uses for this wonderful plant,..i hope you enjoy Yer time here Maam....