Sauna converted into Grow room Pix included

Thanx, we put a lot of time and thot into this room. We were trying to keep it as low maint. and as clean as possible. The only isue we had so far was ther mites on the CJ that were from a buddy. But they were nuked shortly after being spoted.

Took a look in there lastnight, the Caseys are an inch feom tha light. So I hac to supercrop those and the rest ae lookin good. Sunday they will start just water for 3 days then back to the nutes.
We had a trans former blow on friday. Luckly it happend when the lights were off. When the power came back on the AC never came back on causing the air inside to condensate from the Chiller water lin for the light. Sooo........ the was water on everything in there, the walls, the shelf and all over the light and plants. So we pulled all the plants outa the room and cleand up the water then wiped it down with mild bleach solution. Another issuer Im findig, is that there adjustable spray emmitters arent so gerat. I had like 5 or 6 plants that were literally swimming in there bags. So Im throwing those in the round file and going to go get sum 7 gph emitters and do it like that.
Pic of one of the power skunks

Couple of the sweete island skunk