

Well-Known Member
Honestly let me put it this way, I follow Islam and IDK how many of you might start hating me coz of all the stereotypes in the world plus the media...
what Islam says is respect everyones religion, and just coz of some stereotypes in the modern world I dont strongly believe how media portrays satanists and stuff... just like extremists in europe who give Islam a bad name at times...
well there are mental freaks, who do some weird ass slaughters and rituals, and oh cant recall it but there was a nursery molestation ages back and once these culprits were prosecuted , the blame went to satanism and all those crap...
I refuse to believe what I see sometimes...

Just like Alex Mason said :
A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history, doesn’t make it the truth. we live in a world where seeing is not believing where only a few know what really happened.we live in a world where everything you know is wrong

I believe in Judgement day and then I will know the truth...

If you think this post is too long, i apologize i had a rip too many...
Thats ok I'm sure quite a few of us have had a few too many rips lol. I also don't agree with the image thats put out by the media of Satanists. Islam is also a very misunderstood religion like you said, when I was in the military I met so many people that hate Islam, but its just the extremeiists that cause the problems. I wish more of the world would just sit back, smoke some weed, chill out, and try to understand others religion istead of immediatly judging someone. I know some people that will never speak to me again since they know I'm Satanic. I'm not ashamed of it all, Its just hard to show people I'm just a normal person, but believe in a religion that may be one of the most hated/feared religions in the world. I remember when I used to not be able to date any women because they wouldn't talk to me after they found I'm Satanic, a few told me to never talk to them again because thay thought I was gonna murder them. The way society looks at some of these religions and judges people is pathetic.


Active Member
Thats ok I'm sure quite a few of us have had a few too many rips lol. I also don't agree with the image thats put out by the media of Satanists. Islam is also a very misunderstood religion like you said, when I was in the military I met so many people that hate Islam, but its just the extremeiists that cause the problems. I wish more of the world would just sit back, smoke some weed, chill out, and try to understand others religion istead of immediatly judging someone. I know some people that will never speak to me again since they know I'm Satanic. I'm not ashamed of it all, Its just hard to show people I'm just a normal person, but believe in a religion that may be one of the most hated/feared religions in the world. I remember when I used to not be able to date any women because they wouldn't talk to me after they found I'm Satanic, a few told me to never talk to them again because thay thought I was gonna murder them. The way society looks at some of these religions and judges people is pathetic.
see mate, thats what I'm talking about...
too much of ignorance in this world and too many sheeps following after a nice brainwash....
quite a shame..
I think people need the herbs like the legend Bob said...
makes them open their eyes and mind :D


Well-Known Member
Honestly let me put it this way, I follow Islam and IDK how many of you might start hating me coz of all the stereotypes in the world plus the media...
what Islam says is respect everyones religion, and just coz of some stereotypes in the modern world I dont strongly believe how media portrays satanists and stuff... just like extremists in europe who give Islam a bad name at times...
well there are mental freaks, who do some weird ass slaughters and rituals, and oh cant recall it but there was a nursery molestation ages back and once these culprits were prosecuted , the blame went to satanism and all those crap...
I refuse to believe what I see sometimes...

Just like Alex Mason said :
A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history, doesn’t make it the truth. we live in a world where seeing is not believing where only a few know what really happened.we live in a world where everything you know is wrong

I believe in Judgement day and then I will know the truth...

If you think this post is too long, i apologize i had a rip too many...
The myth of "Satanic Ritual Abuse"

I gave you a +rep for this post - Disliking or hating someone due to their religion is just plain absurd, and yes, most of it is due to the way the establishment and the media portray it. The link I osted above is a nice breakdown of why the idea of "Satanic" rituals harming children or animals is nothing more than a bunch of horseshit made up by lawyers, politicians, and reporters.