San Francisco 49ers


New Member
I prefer the 69ers, they're a better team unless its all male then I don't want anything to do with it


Active Member
I hope Morgan isnt injured to bad. Hopefully he can return post-season. Did I really just say that? Post season Niners....


Active Member
Yeah bring the shotty, unless you wanna watch the game from the car. idk what that means... lol


Well-Known Member
Nice hijack Ho. Dont get shot at the SF vs. Oakland parking lot WAR
Ha, sorry didn't mean to change subjects, ADD. I'm stoked to see a 49er game, they are playing great this year. I just Hope the Raiders don't start collapsing this year because then I won't want to go to. You live in the bay area?


Well-Known Member
jim harbaugh got that team going in the right direction, niners will be very good once they get a qb


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about they got the qb. he just needs to continue to play naturally and not try to make things happen.
i have seen plenty of alex smith over the last 6 seasons...he was the #1 pick ...the guy is a game manager @ best, he is not the long term answer