

Well-Known Member
fuck that shit, i smoked that shit and had the most fucked up trip. evryting in the room was unzipping like a big zipper, and i realy thought it was happening
im strait whit that shit


Well-Known Member
First time i smoked salvia i was like 16 and i smoked 2 bowls of 20x i thought i saw mario jumping on the walls lol


Well-Known Member
We all see how much interest this thread got. If it were a good drug this would be sticky but we all know salvia belongs in the jungle. Idiot lawmakers were making it illegal but nobody cared. You do it once and it literally leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I will say it's better than belladonna though if that's saying anything. Yuck!


Well-Known Member
It felt like someone unzipped the back of my head and I couldnt lift it from the back of the couch. I laughed for 10 minutes as I stared at the ceiling then felt wierd for a bit throught the rest of the evening. No more for me.


Well-Known Member
That shit sucks,,only tryed it once and thats all ill ever do of it.Made me feel like i couldnt get off of the dam couch, as though I somehow melted into it.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I don't think I've recovered from my last trip. Shit ravaged my mind. I felt exhausted once the trip finally ended. Felt like I was being pulled apart at the seams, spinning in every direction at once. Tried to grab on to something, but shit was scarce. This evil presence was laughing the whole time. The motherfucker had conspired to put me in this fucked up state, I believed, would I ever return to reality? Then suddenly I fell into a pool of ice cold water(or so I thought, turns out I rolled through the dogs dish). I jumped up, yelled out a, "Fuck you assholes!", even though there was only one person in the room, then ripped my shirt off and ran away yelling. For the next ten minutes or so I was having a lot of trouble discerning what was the trip and what was real. And I walked into a store and bought that shit. The queen got her share of tax.