Salvia misconception.


Well-Known Member
they clearly state the atomix isnt the X rating its the mg rating
ahhh, see i took your link posts as your proof of the existence of 160x. we know understand eachother. haha. so do you believe there is anything LEGITIMATELY above 40x?


Well-Known Member
probably but tbh you dont need to go that high 40x will flatline you
for sure, i dont see why you couldnt go any higher. sure you could extract that much, but would 1 gram of salvia leaf be able to absorb that much extract?


Well-Known Member
there is going to be some point where not all of it gets absorbed. but idk how much 200mg of salvia extract is compared to a 1g leaf.


Well-Known Member
the guy saying purple sticky is a ripoff prolly never tried i mean yah marketing they did was intense but beleive me the 40 x isnt tary its nothing but salvirinum a

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I tried it when it first became popular and it was most certainly a non-standardized extract. Haven't since then, so perhaps it was changed.
Yep, standardized and non-standardized. Two different things which would account for discrepancies between experiences. That and everyones tolerance seems to vary wildly.

Buying into the high extract hype is like buying a large soda. Pointless when you can keep refilling your small soda until you are quenched.


Pickle Queen
I have reddish coloured stuff called egyptian delight, my man bought it with some salvia a few months back, i wish i still had the label, since trying salvia while listening to tool and almost loosing my mind i decided to not try it until i know what it is, any ideas? maybe i should take a pic, it was labelled as some sort of salvia mix


Pickle Queen
well crypt it smells like poo, and i'm being a pussy,i'm too scared to try it lol maybe i should let my man try some hehehe


Well-Known Member
Salvia viuals are sure pretty, just be as quiet as possible for a few minutes before doing it, so you center yourself, and get used to your internal voice for a bit, we are a lot more loony when you look closely than from a distance, distracted by everyday things.


Active Member
All I know about salvia is I bought some at a smoke shop on the indian reservation and one big toke took me clean out.......................I fell back so hard in the recliner I was in that my feet went above my head and kicked the wall then when they hit the floor again I fell to the floor and started crawling to the wall The only thing I remember after the toke was something pulling on my arm trying to yank me into what seemed to me at the time a TV screen thats all scrambled. Then I started to come around and recognized it was my friend trying to pick me up off the floor. First thing I said to him is WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GIVE ME DUDE? I would have to say it's the most scared I have ever been in my life. I tried it again a week later but a baby hit instead of the monster "oh I can smoke anything over the counter" hit. It wasn't near as bad but I still didn't like the buzz.


Well-Known Member
Most people make the mistake of useing extracts instead of waiting for their tollerance to drop over time, the result an unpleasant mess.