Salvia is completely insane.

NYC Diesel

New Member
it sounds like you turning sideways through the pages of the book was when you were rolling around the room, and the pages were flashes of images you must have just passed. Most of the things that you see when you're on salvia can be related to something that you were doing or seeing outside the 'alternate universe.'
I honestly can't wait to try salvia haha.


Well-Known Member
lmfao.... i wana buy some now an mix it up with my weed an give it to a few friends:lol:
Damn dude, I'm glad I'm not your 'friend' lol i mean i wan to try salvia, but not on accident or unknowingly! lol
(man this weed tastes weir.... oh god....)

NYC Diesel

New Member
haha as long as it was a good trip i wouldnt care if i stumbled on it accidentally. Some of my friends bought 20 dollars worth of what they thought was weed, which was actually salvia from some random kid. They fuckin tripped all over the place and wantd to do it again


Well-Known Member
Yeah, same here, I guess xD

Haha that would be sweet. I just have a pretty stressful life, and I usually walk around campus, or in neighborhoods right off campus when I smoke, so tripping there wouldn't be too good of an experience...


Well-Known Member
Hey! No mixing the Devil's Cabbage in with the Devil's Lettuce! You will fuck your friends up and they will hate you. The guy who started this thread Even said he was choking on his own tongue, until an outsider sat him up straight so he could breathe again.

I am sure Salvia can managable in small doses, but people do that stoner math in there baked heads:

Weed = illegal = must be too strong for most people
Salvia = legal = must be weak and need to do more to get high...or else it wouldnt be legal, right?

So then they pack a giant bowl of the brown demon:twisted: and pull a fat rip, which is like smoking a bowl of 2CB. People dont generally go out there and snort a 2 foot long line of coke either. So thats why most experiences are bad with Salvia. That, and the fact that people like to peer pressure others into doing shit thats bad for themselves.

...."Hey man, I almost died smoking this brown shit and I wanted to kill myself... Here take a fat hit, and see fer yer self Hahaahahahahaaaaaaa:twisted:!!!!!!"

When I smoked that stuff, I too did the stoner math and took too much. My experience didnt really go south though because we had never heard any horror stories before we tried. And it was just good timing. But once again, after my giant bong load of salvia I was trying to take a bite out of the air like it was a cheeseburger. And moving around like Fear and Loathing for 15 minutes.

.... So dont slip anyone this shit unknowingly, unless you dont like the guy and want him too die, so you can fuck his grilfriend... Then its OK:hump:.


Well-Known Member
i remember the first time i did salvia. i did a full bowl and used a torch lighter (30x salvia) at first my vision went completely out. like my eyes were open but i could only see black and then as my vision came back i saw like static and couldnt stop laughing.

salvia is some serious shit good thing its short lived cause i know i couldnt handle having a bad trip


Oracle of Hallucinogens
hehe.. sounds intense. My trips have all been pretty intense, always feel like salvia brings me back to a certain place.. like a place no other drug brings me. Thought i was stuck to tile flooring, a toilet seat, and a window sill all at one time before! woohoo haha.


Well-Known Member
Ahahahaha! First time on Salvia and you ripped straight into 50x! It's no wonder you had a trip that fucked up LOL.


New Member
I have done my fair share of salvia. And I say this strongly FUCK salvia!

One time I smoked 2 bowls to my face of 10x, and man oh man. That changed me. I was smoking it on a saturday in one of my best friends cars about 2-3 years ago. As soon as it hit me it felt like a train of psychosis slapped me in the face. I did not know who I was, where I was, all my friends faces were blurred and stretched and I remember them resembling totem poles. Everyone just sat there and laughed while I literally felt like I was dying. Laughs echoed, and so did there voices. I drooled and didnt even know it till I woke up from my trip. I remember the comedown of it, as gradually being fucking retarted to being a sloth for the rest the day and slowly telling myself that my life is real.

I moved onto shrooms and said FUCK salvia. Shrooms > salvia.

And p.s. paying so much for the higher potencies is stupid IMO. Salvinorum A - is the most potent ALL natural drug there is as in it grows that way, thresholds at 200 mics. So if you smoke 10x right you will trip just as hard for a lot cheaper. I remember I bought a zip online for like 175 bucks when it was going for 20-25 a gram. Big money saving.


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to agree with you. I think the main reason(s) people try salvia is because
1. It's reputation precedes it.
2. Because it's legal (in most places, e.g where I live) thus easier for most people to get hold of than harder illicit substances.
To be perfectly honest, if you want to trip then Salvia shouldn't be your first choice. I think that people who trip on salvia can get a bad misconception about hallucinogens because they have such a bad experience. Mescalin for example, is up to five hundred times less toxic than acid, and gives you a nice enlightening trip. Personally, I would sooner do this shit than Salvia. I know a lot of people won't agree, but out of the five or six times I smoked Salvia, only one of those experiences do I look back on and say I enjoyed.


Well-Known Member
What kinda places sell this, I would like to try it, hell, ill try everything twice. Is it sold at head shops? Garden stores? Do you buy a plant and dry it yourself?


Active Member
Kinda long, sorry.

I tried it for the first time last night, and it was completely insane. It was fairly concentrated salvia, not totally sure of the extract. But basically, it started off immediately after taking the hit (did a big hit out of the bong, held it in for as long as possible). I did another big hit, and then eventually another for some reason I'm not totally sure of. Well, starting from the beginning, remember the most blazed you have ever been. Then picture yourself in a car speeding at 100mph past that intense of a high, watching as it disappears into the rear-view mirror. So now, as I'm accelerating into an intense high, I begin to get kind of confused. I can no longer talk, in that my tongue will not function. It felt like I was trying to produce words faster than I was able to physically express them. So I'm here trying to talk to my friends and I'm unable to. My friends all looked like human legos, that is they were sectioned off into parts and each had defined lego characteristics, such weird plastic looking lips and stuff like that. I stared at my friends striped sweatshirt, which had essentially come alive, and was amazed and confused, trying to tell him what I was seeing. Soon realizing my attempts have been and would be completely futile no matter how hard I tried, I just had to sit down and stop trying to converse all together.

Then I became kind of confused. Things were not apparent to me for some reason. For example, I didn't remember exactly what had happened to me; why I was feeling this and acting this way. I
I began to feel extremely small and insignificant, in a way I couldn't cope with. I was basically helpless, like my ego had been ripped away and was being held above my head just out of reach. I felt trapped and felt myself going down a path of illogical terror. For example, I began to panic at the thought of all the "stuff" I had to do that night. That stuff was walking ten minutes back to my place, showering, brushing my teeth, etc. All the little things began to overwhelm me. So I just stopped and calmed the fuck down, stopped thinking negative thoughts and basically went off on a different path in my mind. Still, I was in a weird state. I felt as if everyone in the room was talking about me, whispering about me. Like I had a spotlight on me. I felt as if I was acting retarded (which i probably was) and I wanted to stop, but I truly couldn't help it. This kind of added to my feeling of universal helplessness, almost like I was a puppet on a string.

After this had all happened, I just laid back, closed my eyes, and was basically having more vivid daydreams. I could also rationalize problems and deal with them more effectively, like having different perspective to help me. I could almost call it anti-rationalization in the Freudian sense, as I was dealing with problems in a raw manner without inhibition or any defense mechanisms whatsoever. So I laid down and kind of pictured I was on a wooden roller coaster, under the sea, etc. These were less intense and more controlled. I could begin to talk again.

I guess it sounds like I had a pretty shitty experience overall, but it wasn't horrible. It was kind of fun. I want to try it again in a different environment. I would like to be as alone as possible, maybe with one other person there to make sure I don't hurt myself. But I just want to explore my mind without having to worry how about how others percieve me, as it seems while tripping I was self-critical when I happened to remember where I was. Maybe dress in gym shorts this time, as it felt like my belt was choking my waist. I think it will help that I know what to expect, and I can react accordingly. As I read somewhere, I think on erowid, this time I would "take the angels for angels."


Well-Known Member
It is good to see ourselves without our ego's now and again as a guide to how far we have progressed at the core of who we are.