Salvia is completely insane.


Well-Known Member
So i was over at my friends house the other day getting ready to smoke some blunts and he pulls out the leftovers of some 50x salvia. He asks me if i want to try some, and never before i had, so he packs me an almost full bowl in a 2.5 foot bong. Im freaking out because im scared because i had heard it was intense, nothing to what i was about to experience. he tells me to torch the entire thing, and im used to taking huge bong hits so i do it. I take the hit, and hold it as long as i can. I immeadiately feel a HEAVY weed-like high, put my arms behind my head, started giggling, then i blacked out. I entered some parallel universe where i was falling like pages through a book sideways. The pages were flipping over and over and turned into larger pictures seconds after i saw them. I saw everything, weird things, almost felt like i was moving through a world. I was freaking out, not know what was going on and pressing my head against the futon, but i couldnt feel it, i only could identify as it being the feeling of me wanting to go to sleep. I kept falling, confused. I panicked as I was in realization that me falling in this world was my real life. This was my actual life and it felt terrible. Faces with no definition spoke to me in tongues and were questioning me. I begin falling again. Harder. faster. The feeling of falling gets so intense that i feel that i will literally go crazy and kill myself if it doesnt stop. I awake to my friend, his sister, and gf stroking my head telling me that im okay. Im in a different room that i was in previously. Across the house. I am angry, and in a cold sweat. I start trying to speak but i cant make out the words. Im speaking like a child asking questions and not in realization of what this is. I start slowly remembering that this is my life and i began to question them. " Do i go to school?" "I live in this world?" i asked. They tell me nothing. I tell them to shutup. Then to speak. Then that i want to fight them maybe. My body was in a scared state and i was confused to who was my friend. Slowly i recovered and ended up smoking the two blunts. What happened while i was in there? literally two seconds after i put my hands behind my head, i started giggling, then my eyes rolled into my head and i layed back. Moving my tongue and rolling around aimlessly and throwing myself around the living room. I then moved on to screaming my friends names and saying "This is bad". I start spasming again, and then lay quiet and still. My face starts to turn purple and im turning blue because i had my head tilted back and was choking on my tongue. His girlfriend tilted my head forward and i started breathing and tripping again. Thats my story. Im definetely going to try it again =)


New Member
Damn, shit sounds intense. Thats exactly the reason why Im scared as fuck to do it lol.

lol at the experience sounding so bad, and then u say that u will definitely try it again lol.


Well-Known Member
i have tried alot of shit im my day, and i dont care to do it my g-friend ripped the cords out of our TV thinking she was getting trapped in it, and tried making a run for the door all in 10 minutes... too much.

tastes like ass, but DOES FUCK YOU UP!


Well-Known Member
The worse experience of my life was when I did salvia. You leave the real world and are surrounded by a new universe and it is not a fun one but a horrible scary one. Four of my friends did it and all said stuff like "fix this", "make it stop". When you come down after five minutes, your body feels like needles are poking it and you can not stop sweating. It may have just been like this for us four, so take your chances if you want. I trip on shrooms all the time, so I'm no newb to tripping.


Well-Known Member
Salvia is a test. It's scary if you make it scary.

Listen to the salvia voices, chill out.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Be the plant... You are the plant... Ride the dragon and live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing like it>>> nothing!


Well-Known Member
It truly is amazing that weeds illegal a. Salvia is fukn tripy shit. It interests me that when i had some and tripped i felt like i was turning through ?*?*?*? sideways and would every now nd then "click" back into the real world..buzzy that you felt you were turning sideways 2 blazed and confused


Active Member
This stuff sounds interesting. Ive never even heard of it before, wow i feel out of the loop.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing your story man, sounds pretty fucking crazy lol
I have a few friends who have told me about salvia trips too...

I dunno if I'll try it or not.

Something I have heard is to remember to prepare for a good trip by making sure you have good set and setting. Make sure you're comfortable, happy, etc... I dunno, but I certainly have heard more 'holy shit that was fuckin crazy' salvia stories... xD

Have fun! :-D


Well-Known Member
People who say it's bad and it will make you shit yourself are the people who smoke it without knowing what to expect. Go on Erowid and look at some of the experience reports, and then you will know what it's like, and I garuntee you if you just relax you will have a good trip.


Well-Known Member
ha, really ?
ive had the 30x, dont really like that shit...
it just makes me feel confused and i get pissed off easily.


Active Member
LOL i went on an adventure in my ceiling to find a wizard in a tower! then i dreamt a movie in my sleep, still haven't forgot the movie and its been like a year! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Dont mix it in to your weed and give it to your friends.... thats not nice at all. I had a few trips with this stuff, Sometimes my vison was framed with smilling bullets, or like I was being sucked into a black hole. One time I felt like I was walking behide my eye lids/ eye balls... really fun stuff.

I have a friend who calls it organic crack.... not like it is crack or even half as bad....


Active Member
lmao exactly:mrgreen:

they can think my weeds the bomb.. lmao
Supposedly Marijuana inhibits the effects of Salvia and I have tried it did feel like a different high though.

I have had a pretty good experience with Salvia. I couldn't recall all the things that I had experienced, almost like trying to recall a dream sometimes. You can kinda remember what happened but can't put it to words. The best description I could make was that I felt like I was in a miniature Smurf community help build something for an actual size world. But my best advice for smoking Salvia is to be relaxed, take some large hits, sit back and close your eyes. BTW it does taste like crap as someone has mentioned.


Active Member
I like to smoke salvia every now and then just because it is extremely weird every time. I've smoked it with many people and i've never seen anyone have a bad trip, they just always see crazy sht. You have to not be afraid when you take it. It is definetely not a very enjoyable drug, everytime I take it I completely leave my body and this world, like I completely forget who I am, what world I am in, and even that I have a body at all. Then after a couple minutes I wake up drenched in sweat and a very uncomfortable feeling all over my body. I would definetely recommend changing into very loose fitting clothes before you do it because if you wearing jeans, you get extremely uncomfortable. My problem with it is that I can never remember exactly what I saw or what happened after it wears off, I just always remember I saw crazy sht. NEVER take it alone, and never take it at a party, just do it in a comfortable setting with people you trust and who will help you. Anyone who hasn't tried it, dont be afraid, and also you can start with a smaller extract like a 20x instead of say a 60x.