safe or not

So.I want to do a.grow...I live in a.3 bdrm duplex my neighbor is a total pothead .....I know for a.fact I have a.1000 digital hps light 6 in can filter combo and 5 x 5 grow.tent...I use cfls and very little power other than my central ac....I have a legit just scared to do this bc im on a smart meter and worst of all I live in texas...el paso area...I really wanna do this and obviously if.I tell no one and don't sell what are my chances of getting caught if I do one or two grows before I move all 12/12 from seed....thanks


Well u need some veg time and they will stink up ur place i have only 2 flowering and i can smell all the way to my from door

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Well-Known Member
They will NOT stink up the place in veg as long as temps aren't too high. Besides OP said he has a filter.

I wouldn't worry at all. As long as you pay your bill on time, a 1000w bulb with some accessories will not raise any flags.

Thank you for the just worried tx and on a smart meter im looking for work in a med friendly state my wife was just diagnosed with chrones....and needs it.for pain....I figured even if I only do one grow my chances of leo catching on in 12 wks...hypotheticaly of.course


Well-Known Member
The worry about power use and law enforcement is unfounded- the power company wants you to use as much power as you can pay for. No one gets busted because of power use alone. CFLs and LEDs are a low-power option if it'll help you sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
I tend to go along with "ficklejester" as far as power consumption goes, especially in Texas, it's obviously hot during summers, and of course ac's are blaring away, if 1000W seems to much, cfl's but better yet T5 HO fluorescents are the best for low elect usage.


Well-Known Member
since when is growing anything indoors illegal... for all they know you could be growing fruits and veggies... a 1000 watt and accs. 12/12 should only add $50 or so a month... IMHO not a reason to look at you for anything....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It is perfectly possible to grow indoors with minimum risk, but that's the key word, risk. There is always a risk. It is up to you to minimize it till it an acceptable risk. For instance by using a carbon filter, not telling anyone, keeping it small. But it is an illegal activity, it doesn't matter what you do, there will always be a risk. You just have to decide if it's worth it, even if you get the odds down to a 1 in a million chance of getting busted, you have to decide if you'd take that chance.

And also take into account the sacrifices you will make in order to lower that risk. Say good bye to ever sleeping with random women at your own place. It's now theirs or nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what a smart meter is. If your electricity is paid by landlord and there is a big jump, it would concern me -especially in TX!

I grow four plants at a time under 160w led. Not enough juice to make anyone wink. Thats not why I went led but may be good for you to consider. Expensive upfront but pays for itself on first grow.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not sure what a smart meter is. If your electricity is paid by landlord and there is a big jump, it would concern me -especially in TX!

I grow four plants at a time under 160w led. Not enough juice to make anyone wink. Thats not why I went led but may be good for you to consider. Expensive upfront but pays for itself on first grow.
A smart meter means that the power company know EXACTLY what you are using at any minute of the day. For instance they'd be able to tell that your consumption goes up by 1kw for 12 hours every day on a routine schedule. Some have even suggested that they are able to identify what appliances you are using based on the draw and such. I'm not too sure about this, seems to be heading to the slightly paranoid side of things.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I think your biggest liability is your pothead neighbor. You can control everything else, but if he draws attention/complaints to your area well... you'll just have to kill him and use the body for fertilizer. j/k about that last part. Also, do not even hint to him (or anyone) that you are growing, make sure your wife understands that too.
Other people are the #1 cause of people getting busted, IMO. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah discretion becomes ultra-important between the pothead neighbor who you are absolutely certain about (this indicates he is not very good at discretion himself, which could come back to you.) and just the fact that you're in TX at all. Get out of state ASAP, that's my first advice. But if you do this stay very discreet. Loose lips sink ships.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll probably be fine if you do it. Like you said tell no one and don't sell anything. But is it worth the risk? There is always a risk as long as you are in a non-medical state, especially southern conservative states where they tend to be a little harder on the casual counter culture folk.

It's up to you to decide whether or not to risk it. Personally I would just get out of state. Where there is a will there is a way. I've changed states a few times over without a job to go to in the new state... think alternative and there is a way... I lived in an RV for a year once just because I wanted to get out of the cold winters, and it was one of the best years I've seen.

Personally I would rather take the risk of getting to where I want to be even if I don't have a job there over the risk of growing in TX in an apartment.
Welll the landlord never comes around and I pay my own power....many people in my little cul de.sac smoke besides the neighbor and we are friendly but keep to ourselves kind of in mo one ever comes over....its a quiet part of town just often can smell people smoking .....plenty besides the I feel like the leo is more concerned with cartel activity than a legit white guy with a normal job car and a wife


Active Member
cops use infra red to see heat escaping from your house. Make sure to have your exaust vents going into like the attic or away from the street view , cops will see the heat . Also have lights on during day will help mask the heat signature. Personally I wouldn't risk it in Texas. I used to live there and was scared to death of growing there.


Well-Known Member
cops use infra red to see heat escaping from your house. Make sure to have your exaust vents going into like the attic or away from the street view , cops will see the heat . Also have lights on during day will help mask the heat signature. Personally I wouldn't risk it in Texas. I used to live there and was scared to death of growing there.
Give me a fucking break. Cops spend thousands of dollars per hour of a limited budget to scope out your home grow? Think again.


Active Member
Give me a fucking break. Cops spend thousands of dollars per hour of a limited budget to scope out your home grow? Think again.
I don't know where you live Ficklejester but in Texas they do indeed scour neighborhoods looking for heat signatures.
