Rusty Brittle Leaves-Week 10 Flower Sativa Grow


Hello! I believe this may be my first post but I've been lurking around here quite a bit lately and seeing the incredible amount of help received, now turn to the more experienced growers for a bit of help!

This is my first attempt at a grow, so I'll just let you guys know the basics. Pics first of course ;D

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1) Growing indoor
2) I have been watering once a week for about 10 weeks.
3) 1/3 Promix Potting, 1/3 Perite, 1/3 Vermiculite
4) Late stage flower
5)GH Flora Series

This plant has basically been a super hero ever since seed. Where a few others failed to thrive this one was determined to grow from day 1. About a two weeks ago I did something amateur and fed twice in one week! I noticed for the first time the plant was a little more thirsty so I amped it up a notch. I did this because it seemed the buds were airy and dense buds were not forming from the many bud sites, it seemed to have suddenly stalled. There remained a vast amount of wispy pistols. I mean, I'm in week 10 flower here (it is normal for this type of sativa to go for 12 weeks flower). It seemed to be fine but in the past week the leaves have become like they are in the pictures. Rusty cracks and extremely brittle, some snapping and breaking in two. The smaller leaves still look fine.

At first the idea of a nute burn seemed out of the question since I'm using GH Flora and I've read that it's extremely hard to burn plants using this approach.

I watered the plants to check the pH. Going in it was 6.4, out the water was 6.0. It had a pretty dark tinge to it, a reddish brown color, so I flushed the plant with a few more gallons of water.

Reading on what might be causing the problem other than nute burn the plant appeared to display many signs of magnesium deficiency. So on the final flush I added 1/8 tsp of a 9-0-0 supplement with 15% calcium and 3% magnesium in order to counteract this potential aspect hopefully without contributing to any nute burn.

The pictures are the plants today after the flush and the addition of the Mg solution. They don't appear to be better in any dramatic way but I will say they appear to be taking up a bit more water. It had become a bit heavier overnight and it's drooping a bit touching the side of the box. Does more uptake indicate a healthier plant or is this simply a sign of the flush?

I'm just wondering what opinions any more experienced growers might have, as this is my first attempt. If it is nute burn, which is beginning to appear most likely, what I can I do in this very late stage of flowering to attempt to salvage any hope at some decent bud?


Well-Known Member
Do you know your ppm levels on your nutrient solution or ppm of your run off? Canopy temps? I would guess over ferted with possible salt build up in your medium and maybe running a little hot on temps.


Hey thanks for the reply! I'm not sure of ppm but for the past couple weeks I was giving it a late stage flower amount of Micro-Grow-Bloom at 2.5 tsp-0.5 tsp-3 tsp/gallon. The temp has been a stable 73 degrees at canopy for weeks.


Well-Known Member
Rusty spots usually always are a calcium problem although sometimes it can be a phosphorous deficiency but usually the brittleness is an advanced stage of a calcium problem.