russ0r's First OP



Ok, so it's confirmed i have at least one female (my best plant the one i wanted to be). her pistils are everywhere... the other 2 i cant tell. i was about to mistake this one for male until today.. so ill wait for pistills to come oput of the otheres pods before i cut them down.


Looks like i have two possible three females... howe long should i wait until i kill the non pistil producing plant?


Well-Known Member
Well since you cant keep them all I'd keep the best 1 alone and let her keep blooming since you now have a secondary space. You could try and grow the two side by side but they need more root space AKA transplant. The roots are going to be bound by now so seperating them could end badly. If they are the ones on the ends you will probably be OK to seperate them.

Keep your clones going in the new space. This next part will require some decisions. You can
A. Put one of the clones in at 8-10 inches. Leave the other in grow for future clones. This way you will have an offset grow and the plants will bud at diffrent times for a stedy supply.
B. Keep both clones, or 3 if they are all girls, in grow and you will be able to clone more of them. Fill your room as soon as your current 1 or 2 buds.
C. Pop in all the clones and start a new mum in your new space.

P.S. I dont have a space to grow in my current living situation so I'm living vicuriously. LOL


LOL yeah i have 3 females and believe it or not the conainter they are in is 10 gallons, so im not AS worried about the room, 1 more to show sex now, i am going to keep them all, and then i will clone their clones. i only have my eyes set on cloning one of the plants. as the others arent as strong and resistant, but i will be keeping the other female clones, and i will just clone one of them, the others i will put to flower at 12 inches or so. then i will keep them comming.


I also wont be making this mistake again, that trough is going in the trash, and ive got grow bags comming.


Well-Known Member
I flowered my plant at 12 inches, its now 5 foot tall still you have 8 foot high to grow to, maybe you could take it a little higher, i dont know if its worth it though with cfl's as I have absolutely no experience of them.


LOL i dont want them to get 8 feet tall, did i say something about growing them that tall??


LOL nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i wont want them even at 5 feet, 8 feet will go through the 7 foot cieling. -minus the pot space with is about 8 inches and they would get incenerated by the hps. if they start to get that tall im going to have to tie them or something. however ive made their stems strong as hell and they dont really bend. i think the fan i used created hurricane conditions and they rose to the occasion.


Well-Known Member
you do know that you only need one cfl for you cloning room, you could put 20 clones under one light, they dont need that much...just incase you want to add more side lights to your veg room


im growing the clones under the cfl's and then i will put them with their mothers to flower in about 4 weeks


so, i have 2 females, 1 plant that has only 1 set of pistils that i can find, proboblhy a fem. and the last one looks like one of her flowers have 1 pistil comming out, i will give them more time to show before thinking male or hermi. but it looks like a possible 4 female, 100%.


Well-Known Member
Cool Shit on all girls!

That planter is 10 gallons?!?! Looks smaller in the pics. You should be fine to keep them together in there.


yep 100% all girls pistills over all of them, life is grand.

now only if i could win those jack herer seeds!


Grow room got real messy, real dirty, and was already real cluttered. from paint cans to 45 lb wieghts from a weight bench, boxes and clothes. i have finally cleaning it out and removed a stubborn and in the way middle shelf, and added some small white shelves for my nutes and tools and such that where already in the cloest that i had taken off a wall in my room. anyway it was Real bad in here and now it's REAL good, and ready to line with mylar (yes i know this should have been done along tiem ago) but at least the paint is white on the walls. Pictures comming when the lights come on. you will also get to see the little tops on the plant starting to form flowers. i havent put any pics up of my plants latley so expect to be amazed, they really flew up.


Active Member
Hey russor, do you have any more pics of that veggie box? That thing looks awesome, and I just happen to have an old pc with plenty of fans to use, and place this next to :)


i will post more soon, maybe tonight. it's just a cardboard box, and its not light tight, its just discreet enough to not notice. since its vegging you dont really need a light tight area IMO, alot of people run their lights 24hours a day. i do for vegging. the old pc is great, its sitting beside the box, and i mounted the fan in the side of the box, make sure your wires reach, these fans are great


here are some pics, the side fan, the exhaust, the pc beside it, etc, and my clones....

hope they attach properly..