Runny Dark Honey Oil HELP


just hot water bath. was using some random like magnum brand 5x or something, usually i'd use 7x but didn't think it'd make a difference at 1$ more a can where i was purchasing. I haven't noticed any chunks in it, pretty liquid smooth, looks really dark but golden when thinned out (can tell in pic).. but yea when dabbing, it wouldn't completely burn off, mostly wouldn't come off the dabber completely (like that's where the burned residual would stay).

only smoking this stuff painted over a j... only way it burns right... i think the ember getting close to the oil before hitting it might have something to do with it? idk.

btw this was mostly trim not ground up further.. (might have something to do with such low yields) but also why i'm pretty sure there's no plant residue in it.


just hot water bath. was using some random like magnum brand 5x or something, usually i'd use 7x but didn't think it'd make a difference at 1$ more a can where i was purchasing. I haven't noticed any chunks in it, pretty liquid smooth, looks really dark but golden when thinned out (can tell in pic).. but yea when dabbing, it wouldn't completely burn off, mostly wouldn't come off the dabber completely (like that's where the burned residual would stay).

only smoking this stuff painted over a j... only way it burns right... i think the ember getting close to the oil before hitting it might have something to do with it? idk.

btw this was mostly trim not ground up further.. (might have something to do with such low yields) but also why i'm pretty sure there's no plant residue in it.
ya bro, the more expensive stuff always treats me right. I recently used some garbage called whip it, with a big sales pitch involving the North Sea where they get the stuff. It was super cheap, even the bigger 420mL cans, and I will never buy the cheap stuff again. I can NOT get this stuff to purge out right, had to whip and heat for days to get it OK... I dont use a vac and never have. I always can whip up crumble outta any sort of decent trim product, but only with the more expensive stuff. Trust me theres a reason its more expensive.. AND a good way to tell if your oil is clean, hold a dab of it up to any open flame like a lighter, if the oil doesnt ignite and just drips off your dabber you can assume have fairly clean errl


Well-Known Member
Sorry for never replying everyone , it was from there being a few seeds in the buds , some extra shit got extracted. I used a blender to grind it up so I could get all the keif xD. Can’t believe I remember from so long ago ahah

Kid Kannabi5

Well-Known Member
Canned butane is n-butane, iso-butane, and propane in different percentages by brand. Not the best choice for these kind of extractions. Dark color can be from water molecule. Also could be from a combo of canned "butane" and poor quality, starting material, along with a shi**y purge. If you know the right people you can have a 3.5 gallon tank filled with 100% n-butane. With a simple regulator attachment and nipple you can still open blast without using lighter refill "butane".

Kid Kannabi5

Well-Known Member
Usually bho stays "sap" (goo) when purged at higher heats like 155degF.-160F. Older material will make darker oil also.

Kid Kannabi5

Well-Known Member
20180904_094158.jpg I put two quarter oz slabs of raw bho, vacuum purged same heat same vac. Same strain. 1 old material (dark), 1 new material (light). It can also be as simple as a water molecule.