Run in with the Police today...


I went to the grow store today and picked up a few things for my veg room (2x2 table, 10 gallon res, carbon filter etc.)
I had everything in the backseat of my F-150. I went to drop a check off to an employee at the bank. I stopped at the mall parking lot, across from the bank, to write the check. While I was concentrating on figuring the total for the check I hear "knock, knock" on the window. I look up real quick and there is two bastard cops staring at me; one on my side and one on the passenger side.
I rolled down the window, startled, and said what's going on?
The powertrip cop asked me what was doing while his buttbuddy was busy looking in my backseat windows at all of my equiptment.
They let me go after running my license and everything.
They abviously saw the "Hydrofarm" shit in the backseat. Before they left they asked me what I did for a living, I told them I did construction, but they wanted to know what kind of construction. They never asked me about the grow supplies but were abviously fishing.

Anyway, learn from my mistake and cover everything up with a blanket or something so you dont have to live with the paranoia I feel now.


Active Member
I went to the grow store today and picked up a few things for my veg room (2x2 table, 10 gallon res, carbon filter etc.)
I had everything in the backseat of my F-150. I went to drop a check off to an employee at the bank. I stopped at the mall parking lot, across from the bank, to write the check. While I was concentrating on figuring the total for the check I hear "knock, knock" on the window. I look up real quick and there is two bastard cops staring at me; one on my side and one on the passenger side.
I rolled down the window, startled, and said what's going on?
The powertrip cop asked me what was doing while his buttbuddy was busy looking in my backseat windows at all of my equiptment.
They let me go after running my license and everything.
They abviously saw the "Hydrofarm" shit in the backseat. Before they left they asked me what I did for a living, I told them I did construction, but they wanted to know what kind of construction. They never asked me about the grow supplies but were abviously fishing.

Anyway, learn from my mistake and cover everything up with a blanket or something so you dont have to live with the paranoia I feel now.

Its bullshit to have to deal with the paranoia to begin with...weed dont make ya paranoid asshole unjust cops and laws that do.

sucks dude i feel ya.


Well-Known Member
That does suck bro. But that alone shouldn't be too much to worry about. For all they know you had that for someones construction site.


Active Member
That does suck bro. But that alone shouldn't be too much to worry about. For all they know you had that for someones construction site.

If he lives in an area like i do, and the cops have absolutely no life whatsoever they will remember him, and watch every (enter color of vehicle here) F-150 they see a hawk.


What did they stop you for?
they had absolutly no reason... I wasnt doing anything but sitting in a mall parking, out by myself so I could have some privacy while I did some paperwork. I thought it was mall security at first.

I couldn't believe they didnt have anything better to do, mostly since it was rush hour... on a friday during a holiday weekend.

I told them they really startled me, they told me they were sorry but they are "just doing there job."
give me a break


Ya dude they got your adress they are. Gonna be watchin you
yeah, luckily I live like 30 minutes out of the city, and my old address is still on my license which is right by the mall... so hopefully they waste there time watching a townhouse that has some new tenant in it.

Im sure they could find my new address if they tried, but hopefully they just take for granted that the one on my license is current :sad:


Well-Known Member
Wow.. bunch of nosy fuckers, aren't they?

I'll bet they were watching the grow shop (while they ate their donuts and played Solitaire on their cruiser laptop), and followed you from there.


Active Member
dude next time just ask what the problem is. If they ask for your id ask for what reason. You dont have to answer any personal questions ever at all.


dude next time just ask what the problem is. If they ask for your id ask for what reason. You dont have to answer any personal questions ever at all.
I know, thats what my cousin said, he just got out of the police academy. But when your in that situation, like they totally suprise you; you have no time to think about it.

They're just so damn disrespectful too... they should realize they work for us, not the other way around. There paycheck is written from my our tax dollars. If anything I should have been the one asking questions why his was milking the time clock sitting in a mall parking lot.

You always think of what you should of said after the fact.


They must be stakeing out the hydro shop,and following people home..........
Im sure it happens, but I dont think that is the case today, but it is possible.

There was like 3 hours time between leaving the shop and the mall incident with the pigs. I ran all around town before this happened.

I guess it was pretty stupid of me running all over town with my supplies uncovered in my backseat anyway, but I was on that side of town early in the day and couldn't resist stopping by to grab a few things during lunch.


Well-Known Member
I know, thats what my cousin said, he just got out of the police academy. But when your in that situation, like they totally suprise you; you have no time to think about it.

They're just so damn disrespectful too... they should realize they work for us, not the other way around. There paycheck is written from my our tax dollars. If anything I should have been the one asking questions why his was milking the time clock sitting in a mall parking lot.

You always think of what you should of said after the fact.
yeah man, it would be nice if they were respectful, the only decent cops i have ever met, were always very civil and maintained a cool attitude through any situation, they are citizens of the community, but in reality its not the case.

I was watching bill mahr the other day and the topic was about professor that got arrested for giving the cops a hard time, and basically what bill mahr was saying is, why cant the cops just suck it up and apologize if they are wrong. well we all no the reason that does not happen.

but other than that, they can pretty much use any disturbing the peace/obstruction charge to justify taking you to jail, and that is just b/s. but nothing new and i am sick of complaining about, but just wanted to share some thoughts


Well-Known Member
unfortunately in Canada, regardless of whether your driving your car, riding a skateboard, walking down the road or simply standing on the street outside your home, if you refuse to provide an identity to a pig this provides grounds to be be detained, hence brought to PD, until an identity can be determined and verified. Cops Be Wack!


Sector 5 Moderator
Barry Cooper says they do watch grow shops. I live about 100 miles from the one I shop at and when I'm stopping by there I'm usually not going home til at least the next day anyway so I don't bother looking around most of the time. The blanket would have covered the stuff and looked very suspicious if they indeed saw you come out of the grow shop. It's probably best you didn't have it covered or they probably would have really jacked you up.


dude next time just ask what the problem is. If they ask for your id ask for what reason. You dont have to answer any personal questions ever at all.

I agree, but understand the motive behind the actions of the police. Purchasing hydroponic products is not an illegal activity, but sitting in parking lot, idle, is suspicious. I would say though, be careful, maybe use a different shop in the future. Try not to get flustered when the boys roll up on you. Especially when you have not done anything wrong. Just some friendly JD advice. Take a look at that post... Good stuff!


Sector 5 Moderator
VERY good advice!! Barry Cooper says never talk to them and NEVER EVER open the door to your home to them - period.


Active Member
Puck them all. Give me a 50 cal one of those old swinging deck chairs to sit on my porch so I can shoot anyone who comes on me lawn and do away with the green hating cops alltogether.