Royal Dwarf Auto Fem


Active Member
Hey guys, Im starting a grow and so I decided to start a journal for those that want to follow along. I Will be growing a Royal Queen's Royal Dwarf auto fem seed in a GL40(1'4x1'4x3'11). Im using a 125w 6500k CFL w/ a Brightwing Reflector to veg. For Flowering, I'll either move it to a GL60(2x2x5'11) or keep it in the GL40 depending on how big the plant get, but I'll be using a 240w Blackstar LED to flower it with. The plant is in Roots Organic 'Original Potting Soil' and Ill also be using the Roots Organic line of nutes as this will be an organic grow. Don't be afraid to comment, ask, criticize, or just say hello:)

Here are some pics of the Royal Dwarf. It is day 8 out of the ground.
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Active Member
Day 9.
Just Transplanted into a 3 gal. Air Pot... transplant went nice and smooth, I know your not supposed to transplant auto's, but I didnt want to keep it in 1/2 gal pot. I will upload some pics when the lights come back on in a couple hours. If you have any comments/questions dont be afraid to to post.


Active Member
Sorry, Couldn't get any pics up last ill just so you some pics from today which is day 10. This plant doesn't seem like it was too stressed after the it's still growing steadily.

Here are some pics for you guys.


Active Member
Day 13.. She got her first feeding today and she has grown quite abit since last update....let me know what you think. I also moved her into a GL60(2x2x5'3).

Here are some pics for you guys.

20120216032710.jpg20120216032657.jpg20120216032744.jpg Hows she looking so far?


I use Pots that are wider, than they are tall. Makes the main stalks get super thick!
I beleive because the root system can spread out in they're search for water.


Active Member
Day 15..
Quite a bit of growth since last update, I also germinated an Auto AK from Grassomatic so that will also be in this journal. I've decided to go with the Blackstar 240w for flower, so ill be buying that sometime this week.

Here are some pics for you...

20120218064118.jpg20120218063746.jpg20120218064128.jpg tell me what you think:)


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know why most of my thread was deleted? lol...
Well if you posted something you weren't supposed to based on the forum rules a moderator could have deleted it, however they should have sent you a PM (and possibly an infraction) explaining what you did wrong or why they deleted it. Most of the mods are cool peeps and will treat you with respect, however there are a few of them that get a little zealous; one time on another forum a guy posted a thread asking where to find CFL's at a good price, so in response to his thread I posted a link to where I got mine (like I've seen done many times) however apparently posting commercial links is against posting guidelines so the next day I had an "Infraction" in my inbox, WTF? Now don't get me wrong I understand and agree that people should follow the rules however when someone makes an honest mistake (not to mention my first), meaning they didn't intend to do break the rules and aren't a so called "Trouble maker", isn't it common curtsy to simply give a warning, I mean come on, put a notch on a guys jacket over some shit like that, lol, OK I'll stop the rant now and I apologize for the tangent.
Oh and your plant is looking good Buddha, keep it up and keep us posted.

PS. Hey EarlyTimes, I just have to ask, what's up with the avatar? It looks like its says; "We Need To Talk" on a zigzag, did your girl catch you with your hand in the cookie jar or what?


Active Member
Well if you posted something you weren't supposed to based on the forum rules a moderator could have deleted it, however they should have sent you a PM (and possibly an infraction) explaining what you did wrong or why they deleted it. Most of the mods are cool peeps and will treat you with respect, however there are a few of them that get a little zealous; one time on another forum a guy posted a thread asking where to find CFL's at a good price, so in response to his thread I posted a link to where I got mine (like I've seen done many times) however apparently posting commercial links is against posting guidelines so the next day I had an "Infraction" in my inbox, WTF? Now don't get me wrong I understand and agree that people should follow the rules however when someone makes an honest mistake (not to mention my first), meaning they didn't intend to do break the rules and aren't a so called "Trouble maker", isn't it common curtsy to simply give a warning, I mean come on, put a notch on a guys jacket over some shit like that, lol, OK I'll stop the rant now and I apologize for the tangent.
Oh and your plant is looking good Buddha, keep it up and keep us posted.

PS. Hey EarlyTimes, I just have to ask, what's up with the avatar? It looks like its says; "We Need To Talk" on a zigzag, did your girl catch you with your hand in the cookie jar or what?
Yeah, I asked the mod and he said that RIU was hacked and some threads where deleted and stuff, so I guess Im alrite lol:) Also, that pic is from a long time ago, I was on day 35 when my thread was deleted back to day update in a minute.

Bbuddha looking good mate nice and healthy well done champ
That pics is from about a month ago, half of my thread was deleted, I was on about day 35 and it was deleted to 15.. update in a sec:)


Active Member
Day 43...
Ok, Im finally back from San Francisco.. My plants Survived:) Also, my Blueberry gum seeds came from attitude and they gave me a freebie called Sugar Mango Ryder an auto fem seed, Im germinating it now, that'll will definitely be in this journal if it sprouts:) Pineapple Express is doing good, gave it its first feeding today with General Hydroponics MaxiGrow. Im going to be buying a Blackstar 240 tomorrow so that should be here in a week or two and i'll add that in my tent:)

Here are some pics...
Tell me how she's looking:)


And the Pineapple Expresss at day 18
And A pic of the Girls Together:)
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Active Member
Hey guys, I had to chop the royal dwarf down last night. I notices a couple pollen sacks so i picked them off and cut her down. I'll let you know how much I get from it, The Pineapple Express is still growing greatly, And I just started 4 of my Feminised Blueberry Gum seeds, Two of them already are above the ground, still waiting for the other two. Also, I started a Sugar Mango Ryder that i got for free from attitude. The Blueberry gums and the Sugar Mango Ryder are in coco, so this will be my first coco grow:) The blackstar 240 should be here friday so i'll add that with the Pro-grow 180 in my 2x2 tent:)

Just because the Big Plant is gone doesn't mean this journal is over, This will be a perpetual grow journal and I think I might do a 12/12 from seed grow with the blueberry gums:)