Round 2 with Neo!!!!!


Well-Known Member
fuck ya, so today one of my plants showed sex, tiny little hair comin out of the node. it was wonderful! so i put the last two clones of that plant into the cab so now we'll just have to wait and see! im goin to give the plants in the flower room some nutes tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
yay!!! last nite all my plants were showing sex!!! so all but the LST plant were females, the LST one was a male, had two clones in there, both showed little balls. so im gonna rip em out today and feed my babies some nutes. tried to get some good pix, but it wasnt happenin with my camera. maybe ill try some different lighting later and post some up. anywho....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
took out the LST clones, chopped them lil muthafuckas DOWN! haha anywho. all is quiet the plants are getting a bit stretched, im just wondering if i have the lite too far. i may move it down more, but i need to get a fan blowin on the plants now.


Well-Known Member
:joint:so my plants have been flowering for a week and a half now, (since hairs have shown) so the room gets hot, i wanna move the light closer, my problem now is that ive stretched my plants quiet a bit. it kinda sux, but then again its ok cuz id like to see the results. also ive noticed on my hydro plants the fan leaves are a little mutant looking, idk what the problem is or even if there is a problem, but id like to hear from someone about it if anyone knows somethin. pics to follow::peace:



Well-Known Member
i also wanted to add that i have alot of yellowing with my dirt plants, i was wondering what i could use with the 3 part GH nutes that i can mix up to help prevent this? im using a 9 months timed release soil i think its a Scott's Brande of soil. its not MG lol but ive been using my gh nutes with that, and havent really had a problem with burns or anything, what'll happen if my fan leaves die off sooner than the buds are able to ripen? :( now im a bit worried they wont do so well


Well-Known Member
Look to the nitrogen defficiency first. I'd try to get something high in N and run at 1/2 rec strength. Though it's somewhat normal to have the fan leaves turn when in bloom due to the lower n given in nutes. I've read that you have to be careful with the gh nutes they run strong I believe . Also the ph could cause the discoloration. I think I remember you saying you water daily on them I'd cut back to eod.

Honestly I think you need to come up with about 40$ and get a moisture meter( for soil) cheap ph testing kit for fish tanks the one with the color scale from 6.0-7.5 and a ppm meter.
The ppm meter is about 20$ or so and the moisture meter and ph kit will be les than that .

Your plants will thank you for the consistancy and this will solve alot of probs


Well-Known Member
welp, ive already got a soil moisture/ph/lite meter for em, had it the first couple attempts at growin, i also have a ph drop meter. i dont really use it too much cuz i can never tell what color it really is, i think ill just mix up just a couple mL of the grow with some ph'd water, maybe that would help. but where is this ppm meter? for 20$?! ill def get that, ive been tryin to find one cheap so i can do the Lucas Formula and see how that works out.


Active Member
ha! bro wassup? didn't know you had this goin? damn!! I like the plants!! yellow leaves and then I read time release soil....might be high concentration, cause here in hydroland, we get er dome in a 3rd of that time, and in 9 months cycle, you're on month 2, so yeah it probably is kicken in the nitrogen for early grow. What kind of light is up in there? It's probably mentioned but I went for the pics.




Active Member
hey neo, i would cut a hole in the top, and then cut the bottom out of a beer can, and put it over the hole you just cut. Now you're stealth, and the heat will escape. Heat rises, and also, put some carbon filter sheets in the can to prevent light leaking out, and also will cover up minor flower smells. BAM!! you're stealth!! also cut a hole in the bottom so the air will be pulled in off the ground, where CO2 lives. Wait, do you even still have this?


Well-Known Member
lol smoke thx man, im not real sure what u mean by cutting holes in cans or where id been putting them, but ya i still got the grow goin, the three mothers i killed off, one was male and the other two got a bad phosphuros problem so i couldnt save em, but now i have some new mothers, so it should be cool. ill have to update with some new pics of the ladies, and im using a 400w hps in the flower room and it the veg cab i got some cfls on bottom and some flouros up top for the clones. seems to work out just fine. i dont have much of a heat problem with the cab, but i do have it with the flower room, i need to get another phone in the room to circulate all the heat around. ill try to get some pix up later tho


Well-Known Member
Well i promised pix, sorry it took so LONGGGG i tried to upload a couple days ago but the damn thing wouldnt let me manage attachments. owell. heres the grow so far, the two hydros ive decided that they were so tall to lst them, while doin so i bent the stem pretty good and i had to hold it up somehow so i used some straws. works out fine. The two in the cab are the new mothers, ill be giving em nutes soon, im just waiting until they drink all the water from the containers to do so. :) im lazy. also, i was checkin my plants the other day and found a FREAKIN YELLOW JACKET! it was dead and laying in the medium, i was wondering how he died..maybe he nibbled on some of the leaves. either way, i dont have to worry about openin my cab and yellow jackets start attackin my ass. Well thats enough ramblin on, heres the ladies!!!!bongsmilie



Active Member
nice lookin determination goin on here!!! You got skilz bro!! so either you fold up your mylar into really small squares or you're using an emergency blanket. The emergency blanket create hot spots and trap in heat. I think they're okay with t5 bulbs, but not once you go HID. aight, me out!!


Well-Known Member
thnx man, ive had some back tracking i had to do but now things seem to be goin smoothly *crosses fingers*, ive never heard of the blankets giving heat spots, i had a buddy of mine use it before i did in a small grow box and never had a problem, ill look into it tho. dont want the kids to get burnt.


Well-Known Member
well its a sad day, the top cola has finally fell off, i broke it again and tried to take and wrap hemp rope around it to hold, i unwrapped it today to check on it, and its completely broke off. so i cut it and cloned it, im gonna see about this reveg thing, and hopefully the plant will make up the difference in the other bud sites, ill have to update soon. i mite do it later tonight. maybe not tho . other than that. everythings good to go. :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Neo next time you have a branch break slap a lil root hormone on it (clonning gel) and tie it back up helps for quick recovery. I break shit all time no worries Im sure she will still turn out fine!:blsmoke:

well its a sad day, the top cola has finally fell off, i broke it again and tried to take and wrap hemp rope around it to hold, i unwrapped it today to check on it, and its completely broke off. so i cut it and cloned it, im gonna see about this reveg thing, and hopefully the plant will make up the difference in the other bud sites, ill have to update soon. i mite do it later tonight. maybe not tho . other than that. everythings good to go. :D


Well-Known Member
Nice job Neo, hey how far away are your lights, looks like maybe you can move then a lil closer??? maybe try topping as well so you can get them filled out a bit, nic en bushy ya know.:blsmoke:

well the plants look fine, all except for the one that i bent. the stems pretty much done for so i figured id try the reveg. anywho. heres some pix of the ladies so far:bigjoint: