Round 2 (jillybean,lemon skunk,) pics!


So here goes again after a decent first grow. Some kinks to work out here and there, but hey it's what I have to work with!! So 5x2x5 feet high closet. I don't own this place so I couldn't hack up the door and ceiling for vents sooooo I just delt with some higher temps and left doors cracked with fans blowing in. I solved the problem by taking of the door and covering it but I was able to cut holes for vents, still no light leaks which is the idea!! Anyway off track there, I have 500 watts of cfl (Felix 6400k 250 watt x 2) and a small 150 watt hps posted up for extra wattage, stuck it in there the other day for shits and giggles, need inch advice before I jump to and expensive set up (any suggestions). Happy frog organics soil with do farm trio( I have the entire advanced nute lineup but I don't feel like brig a fucking scientist this round if anyone knows what I mean, and if u use AN u do!!!). Soo for the good info, 3 hilly bean from tga subcool, 1 gods lemon skunk from Jordan's (I read the description and was hooked) and I stuck 2 autos is the crack to experiment with. 100% germ with All 6 in a shot glass I water and straight into the 5 gallons they went. Jillys are a week ahead to the other and I have to say they are champs (great seeds sub cool seriously). Anyway I wanted a place to log so I can look back at them as well!!



Damn it sometimes only let's on pic up at a time that's the jillybean, I try getting the skunk here on this one with the autos



Haha see those are the autos it will only do the last picture so gay sorry I know I know fucking newbs :)!!! Here the skunk...hopefully!image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Consider buying an old door and fitting inlet and outlet on the door plus the extract fan, flick the 150 hps more shits than giggles and boosting that to 400w digital mh/HPS,.. that does 1 square yard or meter really good or your rectangular 5x2x5, 500w cfls sounds excessive if one blows replace with the same wattage but go 2700k to avoid squat plants ...all sounds good tho


I thought about a door or piece of plywood with Mylar interior. Figured the towels with Mylar gave was access so I picked some up, I'm gonna cut holes in it eventually to vet in and out, any suggestions on lights. I like the solis tek but it's cash not sure if I can foot that just yet. I'd like to go 1000 dimmable so u don't have to buy another in the future and just dim it, is the dimmable function good, anyone have bad experiences with dimming the 1000 watt to 6 or 4?? And any brand ideas there are tooooooo many low freq high freq mag digital all types, thanks all!!