Round 2: delaners super silver haze indoor 400w


Well-Known Member
Alright guys it's on. The first signs of flower showed up today, I added another light now 800w total. These babies are about to take off in a major way. Four out of six are over 5 ft tall. Get ready for some major colas and frosty nugs. Pics soon
I want to see how the first signs of flowering looks like, and you got 800 watt. Shit should start to get crazy in a minitute. How long did you have them in flower till you see signs of flower? Wow good job.


Well-Known Member
Scribed. Those bitches are huge! At that size, you might as well do a vertical grow like MBlaze. Very nice so far.



Active Member
Don // There is one main plant that is taking off, it's getting the most light. The others are on normal schedule, this one is special. There are at least 15 bud sites, all their own mini colas. That plant is taking off in a major way. There are two hermies, having to trim off the nuts every time I go in the grow room. They come back with a vengeance, even after one day.

There are about 70 clones in my veg room. They are rooting superbly, I have ben keeping a close eye on them. I expect a very healthy batch of clones. I will be using 30 of them in my next grow, the rest are already spoken for by a friend who's growing for the university students. LOL. So my 30 will go into the flower stage as soon as these flower out. For my next round, I am going to do 30 shorter plants, not going to top them, and they will all be in one gallon pots. Trying to figure it out now, they will probably be lollipops.

I am sad to say I have some bad news. My landlord decided to sell the house I am living in, and he has not given me the exact date. He will be here on the 1st for damage inspection. The grow room is in a hidden closet, behind my clothes closet. He knows it's there but doesn't suspect I am doing anything with it. What I am going to do is prepare for the damage inspection the best I can, and hope he leaves without disruption. Then I have to hold out hope the plants can stay in place until flower is done, I suspect around June 28. There should be plenty of time for everything to happen without interruption but it's a nail biter.

Then I am looking at new places to hopefully find a better solution for growing from here forward. I am in the Seattle area so if anyone knows of something I hereby state that I am open to checking it out.

Tonight I will be going in to the grow room about 9:00 PM and will take some pictures of the new growth, flowering, and clones. It's a jungle in there. For now that is all, hope my fellow RIUers are having less trouble with the peaceful growing experience. Take care everyone.



Well-Known Member
Don // There is one main plant that is taking off, it's getting the most light. The others are on normal schedule, this one is special. There are at least 15 bud sites, all their own mini colas. That plant is taking off in a major way. There are two hermies, having to trim off the nuts every time I go in the grow room. They come back with a vengeance, even after one day.

There are about 70 clones in my veg room. They are rooting superbly, I have ben keeping a close eye on them. I expect a very healthy batch of clones. I will be using 30 of them in my next grow, the rest are already spoken for by a friend who's growing for the university students. LOL. So my 30 will go into the flower stage as soon as these flower out. For my next round, I am going to do 30 shorter plants, not going to top them, and they will all be in one gallon pots. Trying to figure it out now, they will probably be lollipops.

I am sad to say I have some bad news. My landlord decided to sell the house I am living in, and he has not given me the exact date. He will be here on the 1st for damage inspection. The grow room is in a hidden closet, behind my clothes closet. He knows it's there but doesn't suspect I am doing anything with it. What I am going to do is prepare for the damage inspection the best I can, and hope he leaves without disruption. Then I have to hold out hope the plants can stay in place until flower is done, I suspect around June 28. There should be plenty of time for everything to happen without interruption but it's a nail biter.

Then I am looking at new places to hopefully find a better solution for growing from here forward. I am in the Seattle area so if anyone knows of something I hereby state that I am open to checking it out.

Tonight I will be going in to the grow room about 9:00 PM and will take some pictures of the new growth, flowering, and clones. It's a jungle in there. For now that is all, hope my fellow RIUers are having less trouble with the peaceful growing experience. Take care everyone.

Hey D Im having trouble cloneing Big time im so frustrated. I cut at 45 dg angle and make sure I and my utensils are clean. I think Im doing something wrong when im maintaining them, I have the humid on them I think I did to much and I spray them with water a lil to much I think IDK what is going on, can you give me tips on how I should maintain them after I cut them, what do you do? Thanks bro and hope everything goes well.


Active Member
Hey D Im having trouble cloneing Big time im so frustrated. I cut at 45 dg angle and make sure I and my utensils are clean. I think Im doing something wrong when im maintaining them, I have the humid on them I think I did to much and I spray them with water a lil to much I think IDK what is going on, can you give me tips on how I should maintain them after I cut them, what do you do? Thanks bro and hope everything goes well.
Don sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with cloning. I have found the less you touch them the better they are. Here's what I do. I take the cuttings and slice the stem 1/2 inch up from the bottom. It splits the stem in half. That helps the plant have more area to root out of. Then I put the clones in a water solution of water and a few dashes of rooting powder, while I am taking the others. Once I have all my clones taken, I get ready to put them into their new home. I use 2" square rockwool cubes. I take the clone, dip first in water, then in rooting powder, to get the rooting powder to stick to the stem. Then I push it down into the rockwool hole. That's the last time I touch the clone. The rockwool cubes I use are placed into squares in a 2x1 tray. The tray gets filled up with water then goes under the lights. That's it.

I've had my clones under the lights for about two weeks, maybe a little more now. I have pulled one out to take a look, and roots have already started and are about 1/4 inch long. In another week the roots will be taken hold and the plant will take off with new growth. My clones will probably have about 3 weeks veg growth when they go into the flower room. Like I said I think I am going to put them into lollipop formation in one gallon pots, about 30 of them.

For cloning are you using a rooting powder or a gel? That can make a difference. I have had more success with the powder. That's my experience with cloning.

If you get good at it you can sell clones on craigslist for 15/ea. I've done quite a bit of that. Helping out the local mmj communityu.


Well-Known Member
Don sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with cloning. I have found the less you touch them the better they are. Here's what I do. I take the cuttings and slice the stem 1/2 inch up from the bottom. It splits the stem in half. That helps the plant have more area to root out of. Then I put the clones in a water solution of water and a few dashes of rooting powder, while I am taking the others. Once I have all my clones taken, I get ready to put them into their new home. I use 2" square rockwool cubes. I take the clone, dip first in water, then in rooting powder, to get the rooting powder to stick to the stem. Then I push it down into the rockwool hole. That's the last time I touch the clone. The rockwool cubes I use are placed into squares in a 2x1 tray. The tray gets filled up with water then goes under the lights. That's it.

I've had my clones under the lights for about two weeks, maybe a little more now. I have pulled one out to take a look, and roots have already started and are about 1/4 inch long. In another week the roots will be taken hold and the plant will take off with new growth. My clones will probably have about 3 weeks veg growth when they go into the flower room. Like I said I think I am going to put them into lollipop formation in one gallon pots, about 30 of them.

For cloning are you using a rooting powder or a gel? That can make a difference. I have had more success with the powder. That's my experience with cloning.

If you get good at it you can sell clones on craigslist for 15/ea. I've done quite a bit of that. Helping out the local mmj communityu.
I do everything you say except fill the tray with water. I have a gel solution also. Hey what temps and humid you keep the clones? And do you mist them often? What should I do in between time while there sitting just let them be. What I was doing I have a humid dome and I spray the top with ph water I try to keep the humid at 80% or higher and what I was doing I sprayed the plants alot also with water then 7 days later like 5 of them I would pinch it and the stem is all hollow and nothing inside it was def dead so I too it out of the rockwool cube and looked and it has a a big hole in the bottom of the steam dame near all the way to the top. What cause that? Almost all of them wilted see I need to know what to do in between time of rooting, I know how to cut the clones and all that I just dont know what to do in between time. Anyone +rep for help thanks D and cant wait to see those pics.


Active Member
Don, I keep my veg room simple. One 250w metal halide light is all I need. Then I have my trays. They are filled with water, mind you each clone site gets water through little slits in the plastic tray. So to water 32 clones I just need to keep about an inch of water in there, or a little more than a gallon. The water quickly becomes room temp,and there is a nice soggy little marsh for those clones to take root in. Then, it's as easy as transplanting rockwool cubes into something bigger and vegging for a little longer, then lollipop. My temps are in the 75-78 range, and my humidity is fairly high in my veg room considering it's small, the light is hot, and the door is a big double sheet of black plastic I stole from a construction site. (oops)

The clones love it in there and are rooting well. Tomorrow a friend is coming over I am getting Jack Herer clones. I can't wait. He is coming to check out my plants, then trade me for some clones of Jack Herer which are going str8 into my veg room. That's a sativa as well, fuck what am I going to do with all these sativas?

Anyway that's the grow life for right now, and must say it's going proper.


Well-Known Member
Cool I'm glad everything is going well man. Soon as I can work this clone thing out I should be good. O and I check on my clones and all 20 looks dead I been stress all day I couldnt even work right cuz what happen. I'm doing SOG so cloning is like the main thing to SOG and I cant figure that out (figures something got to go wrong b4 I start makin shit happen) Well I WILL GET THRU THIS! Everyone gives directions on cutting but not maintaing them to keep them alive cutting them is easy im going to start a thread for more help Thanks D and good luck bro I think your doing great. Keep us posted


Active Member
Thanks Don and peace be with you as well.

The cloning, well, can be an art. First taking clones from a healthy plant is key. Don't take clones from an unhealthy plant. And most importantly you should keep a mother that is huge, clone it, and only it. Select the best genes and grow it out as a mother. That is the best way to clone, hands down.



Active Member
Plants are looking good have four of them in full bloom.

Harvest beginning of July.

Super silver haze is taking Seattle by storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cool I have 7 clones in 11 days of flower they starting to spin yea:) I cut 20 of those and only got 7. Now this time I cut 20 and NONE! At least I got those I hope to harvest mid July with my 7. Hey how old are the ones in flower for you?


Well-Known Member
LMAO Dang Im all over your thread I went and check back and I was like the first one here front roll seat. lol, Cool were like roomates or something lmao j/k Yeah we started like at the same time almost, well mine are all moms now. Im just cloneing them then flower clones ya digg


Active Member
OH I DIG. Ya man touche I've got three roommates that live with me and only one of them knows I'm growing (shhhhh!). LoL ya the other two are girls and they need not know anything about it. Ya digg?!! Ya man you were right on it from the start, and you're still here!! We did start around the same time, that's great. Where are you exactly? I'm in Seattle can get more detailed if you know this area. My plants are doing great, I just talked to another grower today who I am trading super silver haze clones for some Jack Herer clones and some others. I also want to get back to indicas because it's just too much work to grow a sativa indoors. Ya digg?? LOL. NEway the grow is goin good, but seriously, I hope you get your cloning problem under control, that sounds like shit. I think next round I'm going for some Northern LIghts, everyone seems to really like it and personally I think it's a great straain. Easy to grow indoors, very easy, and a reputable brand name. I can ddig that. Alright brother I'm going in, maybe I'll take some more pictures tonight. ttys // delaner


Well-Known Member
OH I DIG. Ya man touche I've got three roommates that live with me and only one of them knows I'm growing (shhhhh!). LoL ya the other two are girls and they need not know anything about it. Ya digg?!! Ya man you were right on it from the start, and you're still here!! We did start around the same time, that's great. Where are you exactly? I'm in Seattle can get more detailed if you know this area. My plants are doing great, I just talked to another grower today who I am trading super silver haze clones for some Jack Herer clones and some others. I also want to get back to indicas because it's just too much work to grow a sativa indoors. Ya digg?? LOL. NEway the grow is goin good, but seriously, I hope you get your cloning problem under control, that sounds like shit. I think next round I'm going for some Northern LIghts, everyone seems to really like it and personally I think it's a great straain. Easy to grow indoors, very easy, and a reputable brand name. I can ddig that. Alright brother I'm going in, maybe I'll take some more pictures tonight. ttys // delaner
LOL you a funny guy. Im in AZ hot as fuck right about now. Check the weekly forcast in Phx crazy that northen lights I heard good things about that I might try that one day. Well im tryiing to re-clone now I see ya in a bit cant wait to see those pics too


Active Member
Tks Don just doin' my thing up here in Seattle, tryin' to get better at it, and making some new friends. You can never have too many friends. Good luck on cloning, pics soon. Where's your thread at? You should start one on your grow when you're ready. It would be easier to talk about. // delaner


Active Member
I'm all excited and I thought I would share here risking interrupting my current grow journal. in a bag of sour diesel my friend gave me yesterday, i just found a seed which i put into a germinating plate with paper towel, water, plastic wrap, now under my metal halide 250w, and it is now all snuggled up in the veg room where it will stay until it sprouts! wish me luck!