Roots starting to come out of bottom of flower pot!!!!


Active Member

:wall:I have roots starting to show at the bottom of my grow pot! Someone please help me with a really good solution. I know roots don't like the light and I need help!!!!!:wall:
advice. This will earn you a ++REP


Well-Known Member
Put it in a larger container with more soil. Or let those roots get air pruned and don't worry about it.


Active Member
Put it in a larger container with more soil. Or let those roots get air pruned and don't worry about it.
Air pruned? what is that? My main problem is , will they start to come out more than this and then what? This is the biggest pot I have!



Well-Known Member
They will not grow out of there. Once they hit the air they will die and stop - this is air pruning. Like Taint said, don't sorry about it.


Active Member
what about bonsai it, as in take it out of the pot, take a steak knife or knife and cut alone the sides of the pot maybe less than 1/2" to 1/4", place back into the container with fresh soil along the sides. allowing the roots to grow again into the new medium. also i believe i read that root tips are inactive? as in they aren't used in absorption of nutes


Well-Known Member
"let it be, let it beee, let it be, let it be.... Whispering words of wisdommm... Let it beeee"


Active Member
OK so i will take everyone's advice on "LEAVE IT ALONE"..I will give it a few more days. If problem gets worse i will update the thread!
I have the same thing but thats what I want I also have my
babies on 3gal pots on top of 5gal buckets, wich I drilled holes on the lower
part on of the pots so the roots could come out and make it a big root system.
you can try the same thing but if not let the roots run free.


LOL this happens in nature all the time, worst thing that can happen from this is that the protruding roots will die. But this is an indication to transplant into a bigger pot!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dude. your fine.

roots coming out the bottom is normal. That just means the roots have grown to the bottom of the pot, which is good. Do you expect them to never grow to the bottom? Starting to get it now?

They will start coming out, then the plant will realize whats going on, and the roots will keep growing in other places


Active Member
Well guys I am not going to put into another larger pot. I have transplanted this plant like 4 times already! Don't ask! But I'm just going to let it be! I was going to tape the corners of the flower pot, there are about 6 more holes right under the bottom of the pot, so I wouldn't see why it would matter......


Active Member
Don't tape anything, leave it alone if you are not going to transplant. This is normal for all growing pots, the roots will be air-pruned when they grow out of the pot and will not cause any problems.