Roots growing out of stalk.......... Really wierd


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever seen this before? On 2 of my plants i have new roots growing out of the plants main trunk about a foot or so from the ground. Wierdest thing i've ever seen. Not just one, but a whole bunch of them. Please don't ask "are you sure they're roots??" we've had alot of rain here for the past 4 days, and that's the only thing i think would have done something like this. I know it won't hurt the plant so i'm not worried about them. I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever seen this before. I'll put up some pics later.



Active Member
my indoors have been doin that a couple inches above the soil...i think they do that as they get more mature. and when they do i just add some more soil.
id be kool to see some pics


Active Member
Ive seen it. Im a new grower and when I cut clones for the 1st time I got root hormone accidentally on the stalk of one of my clippings and sure nuff a few weeks later I had some white roots poking out of there.



Well-Known Member
Ive seen it. Im a new grower and when I cut clones for the 1st time I got root hormone accidentally on the stalk of one of my clippings and sure nuff a few weeks later I had some white roots poking out of there.

At least yours has an explanation...


Well-Known Member
As far as I understand roots will chase the water too. Like if you water the top of the soil but aren't getting water all the way down, the roots can start growing up instead lol You probably have some excellent cloning rain water for some reason though.. lol


Active Member
They will do that. They are going for water. Orchids do the same thing . Out side roots,and you can cover them in soil.


Well-Known Member
sorry they're the best i can get right now considering its pitch black out now. i didn't get any hormones on them they are outside and starting to flower. i think it was just the rain. hey serapis you happy now?? the pic of the plant is the one growing the roots. and i can't cover them with dirt, they're a foot up the plant



Active Member
Thats fucking crazy...i wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it was super cropped right there.


Well-Known Member
honestly i think it was from the 4 days of constant rain that we had around here. now 5 days of sunny and 80. should make for a nice growth spurt. by the way, what is super cropping??


Active Member
In picture two it looks like a branch broke a little...when you break a branch without breaking the outside of the stem it will heal bigger and badder, allowing better nutrient flow leading to bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
Those are some healthy plants, I want a tree of Marijuana I can climb into.. Next year I am doing one.


Well-Known Member
well. the funky roots are dieing. it had to have been caused by the 4 days of nonstop rain we had here. 2 days of drying out has convinced the plant that it doesn't have to learn to swim....