Root Rot Problem

Hi please help me.

I have a problem with my roots.

The roots are brown and look damaged and when I lift up my spreader mat in the trays the are all damaged and dont go any further than the spreader mat. I have tried adding some liquid oxygen to the mix and some new roots have come through but it looks as though they are starting to damage as well now.

Please help me as I really don't know what to do and if I dont get this problem sorted I could end up losing everything and I have put a lot of time into this.

Thank you for your help.

I'm not use if I can but if I can I am happy to give out as much rep as I can to anyone that helps me solve this problem.


Well-Known Member
Use Nutrilife SM-90 to prevent or treat bacteria, fungus and insect problems. SM-90 is prepared from natural plant oils - the organic composition of SM-90 is biodegradable and non-toxic to humans, animals and plants!SM-90 is a good product to use from day one with your plants to keep them healthy and pest / disease free. Use as a foliar spray or root feed in both soil and hydroponics gardens.Root Disease:SM-90 inhibits common anaerobic fungal and bacterial pathogens. Use for any root disease from ascomycetes pathogens including fusarium, pythium, rhizoctonia, phytopthera and sclerotinia. When added in small quantities to plant nutrient solutions, root disease infestations are inhibited and new root growth emerges. Treated plants develop greater root area and root runs and exhibit a generally healthier root development. Application rate:Apply 2 - 3 ml for each gallon of nutrient solution on a weekly basis.Plant Infestations:Treat leaf or stem infestations by appying as a foliar spray. SM-90 eliminates many molds, mildew and leaf spot and is also effective for botrytis, blight, fusarium, leaf mold, rhizoctonia stem rot, sclerotinia stem rot and others. SM-90 also discourages and eliminates many common pests including aphids, thrips, spider mite, and whitefly. It is believed to act as a systemic to inhibit insect colonization and to deter reinfestation. Application rate:Mix 1 part SM-90 with 5 parts water. Spray directly on plant leaves and stems - be sure to spray entire plant as a prevention measure. Repeat every 3 days for up to 3 applications. Spray plants with water to prevent excess build during repeated applications.An added benefit of SM-90 is an increase in metabolism and growth rate when used on a regular basis. A great choice for growers looking for a safe product to use on their consumable crops. Be sure to spray diluted solution within 8 hours of mixing. Keep away from sunlight.NOTE: SM-90 will inhibit beneficial bacterial colonization. If you are trying to promote bacteria growth in your garden, this may not be a desirable additive. this stuff is great i used and it fix my problem i just added it to the water in my tank
thank you for your help. i am in the uk and dont seem to be able to buy sm-90 anywhere. do you know anywhere i could order it from or anything else i can use?
sorry to sound like i cant do nothing but i have been searching all day on google for it in the uk i cant wait for delivery from the us unless there is a fast service. thank you.