
Active Member
ok got my lowryder #2 seeds from the tude yesterday soaked overnight tell they sank to the bottom of the glass then i popped em bout lil over 1/8th inch down in the hole of my root riot and pushed a lil of the material over the top i watered it befor hand its in my grow room right now the temps are in the high 80's in there cuz i turned off the exaust (no plant in hurr yet so no worries) then im just letting it sit any tips so that i can ensure my baby will sprout thats always my main worry once its popped out of the ground im golden but befor that its like driving blind anytips this is my first time using root riot also what is the longest time you have waited for a seed to break ground ??


Active Member
thats why i plant seeds that i know germinated.... you could wait 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks.... forever


Well-Known Member
Dude your post says HELP but you dont really need help, you just want information that you can easly look up and figure out yourself!! If it was an emergency then ppl would help. All you need to do is research and when your done do some more. Pretty soon you wont need "HELP" hoping your seed will sprout....


Active Member
so your refering to pre germing them via paper towels ? its too late for that this round if this bean dont pop in a week i got 2 more so aslong as 1 works ill be fine thanks for the reply much appreciated


Active Member
i consider any amount of assistance weather emergency or not as HELP like helping your lil bro out with his homework no its not an emergency but any information i recieve from you would be HELPING me alot lol so i appreciate your analytical approach to my question


Active Member
well maybe you should take a look at the title its not how to germinate seeds people its root riot help im talking specificaly ROOT RIOT so please if you know nothing then leave it at that you think i havent googled shit your wrong how is it i can get 10 replys talkin shit and tellin me to go look somewhere else and maybe 1 of thoses 10 is actully trying to help me out hahaha please find another way of feeling big on the net trying to insult someones intelligence you have only failed now if anyone has any usefull tips for root riot only then please post if not then click the back arrow and move on please i dont need critics understood no need for any of the above to reply to this as i am not about to argue with idiots on the net as i am not a 13yr old girl thankyou once again and dont let this discourage anyone with valuable info from assisting me


Well-Known Member
if you put your seeds in Root Riot then your good....not much else you can do except the obvious- making sure there warm enough, humididty stays wait.


Active Member
everyone pay attention to suga was that so hard? certainly easyer than all the condisending comments thankyou for the reply i blazed a blunt and now could care less bout the haters so props l8er


Well-Known Member
well maybe you should take a look at the title its not how to germinate seeds people its root riot help im talking specificaly ROOT RIOT so please if you know nothing then leave it at that you think i havent googled shit your wrong how is it i can get 10 replys talkin shit and tellin me to go look somewhere else and maybe 1 of thoses 10 is actully trying to help me out hahaha please find another way of feeling big on the net trying to insult someones intelligence you have only failed now if anyone has any usefull tips for root riot only then please post if not then click the back arrow and move on please i dont need critics understood no need for any of the above to reply to this as i am not about to argue with idiots on the net as i am not a 13yr old girl thankyou once again and dont let this discourage anyone with valuable info from assisting me
dude you made 6 posts for the same thread, thats why people are talking shit, cause ur breaking the websites rules.
then you troll and call names.. cause people are pissed ur breaking the rules.:roll:


Active Member
against the rules ??? my question was relevant to every section i posted in how is attempting to reach the target audience of viewers who may only be viewing one section of this site but have the info i could be seeking regardless of what question i may be asking ? i was a little heated because every damn time i post i get people attacking my every word rather then being tolerant and either helping or moving on i apologize for the sharpness of my toung in the previous but still stand firm that this rule is subjective to point of view