Root problems

@ reggaerican :'( aww dont say that. I have HIGH hopes ;)

@ spanishfly Thanx for the happy words and thoughts. Ill keep my fingers and toes crossed and try to post a pic if anything new and exciting transpires. u guys are the best!


Well-Known Member
dont trip nicki im just joking around they probably will make it.. im looking foreward to seeing the first sprout


Well-Known Member
Nicki, looking at your pics, those are absolutely fine.

The stems are rising out of the soil, shortly the cotyledons will appear, possibly with the seedcase still attached.

Ignore all the BS from people who have only ever germinated MJ seeds in a paper towel, and don´t know what they are talking about - they have never seen an MJ sprout appearing naturally.

Just don´t touch them.

And read the comment written in red below.
Don't get a big dick over it, I see you always rippin on people EVERYWHERE on these forums. Thats all you do. You think your way is the best way and everything else is shit. What I said, I do, and has worked for me for a long time? So that mean my way is the "best" way? No it means I don't give a shit because my way is fine, why change what I don't have to?

lol fuckin spain


Well-Known Member
Thor1911, If you have such a fucking huge problem with me giving Nicki what I think is sound advice, then just put me on your IGNORE list. PLEASE.

roger v

next time you should try uncle bens germination.make a hole half inch used a pencil put one seed in light fine soil on top water lightley temp 83 you could keep lights off if you wanted to about 3 daythey should come up then turn lights on