Root problems

OK a little background first. I began germinating on 09/16. I planted first 3 seeds 09/18, 3 more 09/20, and one more this morning. I planted all seeds root up in Peat pucks in a little disposible greenhouse thingy that came with the peat pucks. They will be grown indoors in soil.

Now my question is about da roots. Some of the roots are curling above the soil but the seed still hasent sprouted through yet. Did I do something wrong? Could it be that I didnt plant them deep enough? Is this gonna cause problems? Thanx is advance:weed:

**I have a few pix to show wat Im talking bout with da roots



Well-Known Member
dude your sapposed to put the root down
OK a little background first. I began germinating on 09/16. I planted first 3 seeds 09/18, 3 more 09/20, and one more this morning. I planted all seeds root up in Peat pucks in a little disposible greenhouse thingy that came with the peat pucks. They will be grown indoors in soil.

Now my question is about da roots. Some of the roots are curling above the soil but the seed still hasent sprouted through yet. Did I do something wrong? Could it be that I didnt plant them deep enough? Is this gonna cause problems? Thanx is advance:weed:

**I have a few pix to show wat Im talking bout with da roots


Well-Known Member
right now you prob have a beensprout under the soil trying to get out, and your roots well you get it.. that seed is way confussed right now..
@ stonedblown I planted them about 1/2 inch down

@reggaerican Im not a dude ;) hey Im new to da whole growin thing, first timer here :( i was told by someone to plant root up cus theyll curl downward.


maybe its the pots they are in that confused it too, all the light was getting in the soil from all sides and the root didnt know where to go? idk but root down maybe and just a finger tip deep with the soil lightly over the top


Well-Known Member
my bad "NICKI" didnt meen to offend.. still time to save? welcome to riu, if you ever need help with anything feel free to ask..
@ 509$finest I put them in peat pucks in a small disposible greenhouse that came wit the peat. I have them under 2 fluorescent lights. one is a small 13 watt and da other is a 4 ft 40 watt wit two bulbs.


Well-Known Member
lol welcome to riu.

How I plant my seedlings are I keep them in a wet papertowl untill I get a tap root about a halfa inch long, then I use a toothpick make a little hole and feed the tap root in there, just deep enough so the half of the seed is poping thru the soil. Works for me every time :)

Thanx reggaerican ;) yea like i said Im new to da whole growin biz and im pretty confused on all aspects lol
All the information you need to know about growing is on these forums, just gotta search for it :).


Well-Known Member
Nicki, looking at your pics, those are absolutely fine.

The stems are rising out of the soil, shortly the cotyledons will appear, possibly with the seedcase still attached.

Ignore all the BS from people who have only ever germinated MJ seeds in a paper towel, and don´t know what they are talking about - they have never seen an MJ sprout appearing naturally.

Just don´t touch them.

And read the comment written in red below.
@ reggaerican no Im scared to touch them. lol even tho they are growin a lil funky im still proud that I even got them to germinate ;) da seeds were like a yr old already. I did however put a lil sprinkle of dirt on top just in case they do start to rot and die, I wont have to watch :'(
@ spanishfly thanx I really hope they do ok this is my first ever grow and Im a nervous wreck lol Im very anxious to see the first leaves ;)
even if they dont grow it will be ok tho. Im using these as practice seeds so once I learn the right way to do it Ill get some better ones