Root aphids-Zero tolerance.


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to come on here and share an experience with you guys.

i recently noticed little tiny bugs in the bottom of the rockwools where the roots were showing.
i noticed it first on my barely rooted clones.
i've known about these aphids and heard about them makin fools just have to start from scratch. i was hoping it didnt come to that so i was like what the hell...might as well try to save them.
so i got some of that ed rosenthals or some shit. 20 bucks for a quart i believe. smells like vicks vapor rub.
the directions on the website tell you to use 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part zero tolerance.
i did 3 parts water, ph'd it and dunked all my clones in it, 10 total.
i still had some extra in the can and i drunked 3-4week old, and 1-2week old lady in there too.
well i noticed immediately the next day the babies didnt like it at all and started to wilt.
so i flushed them, only 5 made it, that was a few days ago.
today i checked out the remainding five and decided to thro them out because they were still infected.

the one that was 2 weeks old was wilting towards the tips of the leaves. and is kinda doin alright.
the other 3 seem to not be affected.
so i checked those today and now those have the fuckin aphids.
so i took everything out of veg room, scrubbed it, cleaned it, bleach, fuckin dish soap, rubbing alcohol.
oh so i forgot to mention, before i dunked these in the eds last time, i had just fed them. because i figured they would still want the nutrients regardless if they are getting medicine. so perhaps thats why they are still surviving. who knows.
well i fed them today their appropriate ppms, then mixed up some more eds zt and gave them a good dunk. i put them back in the veg room and within minutes i could see these little bugs trying to escape from the rockwool. i got a picture of one i will post. i'll also post a picture of my veg area when its lookin kinda bangin.

wish me luck, we will see what happens when they wake up later today.



Well-Known Member
it seems as tho the bugs are gone, we will see soon enough.
for the most part they look the same but seem to be getting better. well at least not worsening.


Well-Known Member
so there was a little more wilting.
i dont see any more aphids.
however i think it is going to take a long time for these ladies to come back, form the way they look.

i picked up new clones today so i didnt have to stop fully while these are recuperating.


Active Member
How do aphids get and setup house in rockwool? I recently went hydro with rockwool after having so many troubles in soil, everyone said I had bugs though I never saw a single moving bug (or non moving, for that matter) I thought rock wool didn't get the same pests as do they get introduced, if your starting from fresh seeds, sterile rock wool, etc?
My older plants that all died had these clear and milky colored tiny balls on and under the leaves, and one pic on google said they were spider mite eggs, think I killed the plants with the "cure" even though not 1 bug was ever seen.
Isn't that D earth stuff in your soil supposed to shred them after hatching when they try to come up top?My soil I was using had that in it, and even my 2 week old babies have a few of these tiny white balls on them, on the older plants I thought it was resin, or thc..but I ended up treating them with everything I read about and it killed the roots (I think neem oil clogs roots so they can't feed??)
My book by soma, he swears by using neem oil as a preventive measure, which is what my goal was,also bought 1500 ladybugs..most "went into the light" and were suicides, I have 3 left for my 7 baby plants, but they don't seem to want to stay on the plants, I guess thats a good sign, if there is nothing for them to eat they move on..?I will post a pic that shows these little balls, not apparent to the naked eye, but show well magnified x80..and could some pros chime in on if these are actually bug eggs..I did a little experiment and went back to the same leafs I found them on previously, none changed, hatched, etc..they look like resin coming from the foliage, but this oner bug site I found says its from the mites feeding on the leaves, is it possible to have them and search every leaf top n bottom and never see webbing or bugs?? Seemed unlikely to me, b ut they could have been hiding in the soil?
Thanks for any input..This is a pic of what they say is spider mite eggs, supposed to be in webbing, but all my plants that I killed from od'ing them with bug treatments had these, and the afghooey had double the amount..if these never change can they be eggs?
edit"my plants just has the clear-white balls, not the other mess that looks like it may be bug shit..



Well-Known Member
i have root aphids. so far i have tried and none of them have worked 100% but a drench of sns 203 did set them back a little.
bayer natria
ava max
sns 203

just ordered some Merit 75 and will see how that works. would like to get some nematodes to use after merit 75.


Well-Known Member
i used pyrethrum concentrate as a root dunk and also to spray down the entire room. every 3-4 days for a couple weeks then watered in once a month after that when i got them. evergreen is the product i used but there's several other brands that should work fine. also theres a bunch of pyrethin (synthetic), products around that should also work. never saw them again after the first root dunk. hth

btw, this thread is three years old and totally inactive :p


Well-Known Member
just dunked all my veg pots into merit 75. i have never seen so many aphids. before i did the dunk and after using other products i might see one to 3 aphids in a one gallon pot looking with a microscope for a few min. i looked at the pots i dunked after using merit 75 and there were so many of those little fucks running for the hills. grabbed my bottle of ava max and started spraying like it was a mp40. bought some nematodes to use after a few dunks. used them on my flowering pots too. hopefully it works cause i dont know how much more they will tolerate. if anyone knows a good method of using merit 75 i would love to know. thanks