RooR owners


Active Member
I am about to order a bong, and of course you have to look at roors when you do. But the one I am going to order isn't a roor, I am looking for something with some percs. (I couldn't find a roor with percs).
My real question is what made you go with roor over everything else, and how happy are you with the purchase?


Well-Known Member

I got my Roor because of their craftsmanship, and honestly the name. It's a status thing. I'm EXTREMELY happy with my purchase. I smoked out of a Roor and a PHX of the same size before I bought mine and the percolators didn't make any difference at all.


Active Member
View attachment 919736

I got my Roor because of their craftsmanship, and honestly the name. It's a status thing. I'm EXTREMELY happy with my purchase. I smoked out of a Roor and a PHX of the same size before I bought mine and the percolators didn't make any difference at all.
I have always heard about the craftsmanship. I get the status thing, but honestly, the smoke is more importantly


What about the smoke... a bong is a bong always going to be harsh as hell.
lol what?
no bong I ever smoked was "harsh as hell"; and hits from my hbg inline are as smooth as air ;-)
if you think bong hits are harsh, how do you handle joints or blunts?


Well-Known Member
I handle them just fine. Same as I do with a bong. They're harsh in my opinion. I don't cough and get all teary eyed, they're just harsher than a joint or blunt. Forcing a large amount of smoke down your throat is harsh in my opinion.

I'll take a vape over any other smoking method anyday.


Well-Known Member
Perc's are this shizznit!

this isnt a RooR but it's just as good as any roor ive smoked and was a fraction of the price.


But the RooR will most likely be a stonger glass make(if it fell). And not just some variety store sand-glass

it all comes down to preference though obviously.

Happy Shoppin'!