Roomate not paying rent and his personal property


Active Member
I'm sry I'm trying to hold back but wtf r u thinking why is this even a question? Do u not have enough respect for yourself to tell him "I thought we were better that I might even understand if you had a hardship but clearly that is not the case grab ahold of your back bone andstraighten it out. You might even shock yourself and find some respect or yourself in your attempt to do so...... and as soon as he open his mouth to say somethen ....that when you shut his ass down again by cutting him off and showng him the door. First time you disrespect me shame on you. The second time you disrespect me shame on me. How bad does it have to get til you decide enough is enough......I mean all this in advice not bad mouthing you ....sincerly


Well-Known Member
I just got the go ahead with a landlord that owns 10 homes and he said to kick his ass out. There's no strings attached, no contract, no paper no trail. Apparently this dude went and bought Cheese burgers last night. I want some cheese burgers.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I just got the go ahead with a landlord that owns 10 homes and he said to kick his ass out. There's no strings attached, no contract, no paper no trail. Apparently this dude went and bought Cheese burgers last night. I want some cheese burgers.
Yep. Time to take out the trash. Good riddance to bad rubbish. If he protests, tell him to sell off his cheeseburgers.... you know... like he told you with your truck.


Well-Known Member
Don't break his shit, it will give you personal satisfaction, but it won't put any money in your pocket.
I would give him written 3 day notice to cure or quit, meaning pay within 3 days or GTFO.
Next time, (if there is a next time) you know to get first and last month rent as a non-refundable deposit
If you want him pout this is the only safe way- a 3 day pay or quit


Well-Known Member
IDK if I agree with giving him a 3-day notice. So far there is no paper work saying that he is anything more than just a friend who has over stayed his welcome. Unless he has receipts for rent he paid in the past he has no way to prove he is a paying tenant, but if u give him a 3-day notice ur basically saying that he is your tenant, and there is alot more to it than just the 3-day notice when trying to evict someone. After the 3-day notice there is an Unlawful Detainer that must be filed and they have 5 days to respond, if they don't u can kick em out. Otherwise if he responds u will end up having to go to court to get him out, and that might take months. Meanwhile he is living in ur house and not paying u a dime.