Room Temp to Hot


Well-Known Member
well i'm gonna order a 4 inch vent fan and some tubing and make it suck the air conditioned air in from my bedroom an i have a large box fan in the garden so after i hook that up i'll see th temp and go from there. i'm thinking that it will be ok after that since the air temp in my room is usualy around 65 and i like it colder durring the winter so i'll have the window open sometimes (it gets to -10 f sometimes where i am) so as long as the temp in the room is around 80-85 i think it will be ok... hopefully

thanks for all the input, if you think i'm totaly wrong in doing this plz i still like more input,

again, thanks, and after my first grow i'll make an extensive grow log with picks and stuff



Active Member
i got these odor things that attach to furnace filter that freshens the whole apartment will that work or i still need a carbon filter? im not familiar with this filters do i attach it to my blower?. i will have a blower fan with a duct transition on it leading to a vent hose up and out the apartment. So i need to attach a filter where the air is sucked in ?


Well-Known Member
you will need to attach it to the exhaust ducting, after the fan. the order will be ; (intake)ducting-fan-ducting-carbon filter-exhaust ducting.
a little trick I picked up living down south was a home made "swamp cooler" which is basically a natural heat aspiration device. using only a little bit of cardboard, cut a few pieces into s shapes so they will go through your door handle. On the inside, mount a cup to the door so the bottom of the cardboard s will be most of the way in the cup. Fill the cup with water. Water in the cup will heat up from the temp inside the closet. Warm water is soaked up through the cardboard and the heat collected is given off by way of evaporation. You can speed this up by pointing a little fan at the cardboard sticking out on your side. This may be of SOME help, but you would probably be best off if you could find some way to either vent or intake air to the room. More than likely you could do a vent that would only pull air from the light enclosure, which is undoubtedly the reason your heat is getting so high. I assume you have some kind of fan in the room to keep air moving at least? You pretty much need to have air exchange from the grow room to somewhere else or your plants will suffocate. A single fan pulling air out of the room would cause it to pull air in without any powered induction. I would recommend using a 50 - 100 cfm mountable bathroom vent fan and some flex tube to push the air out. As for a filter......well that's a little harder.