ron paul on the daily show



post it? i'm sitting here watching it on my TV. :dunce:

you can come over, but you'll miss it by then. bongsmilie
i clicked on the thread thinking "hell yeah" but now i have to pick up my remote and rotate in my chair just to turn on the tv

thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
ron paul is the man. i wish he would have been elected... i think he actual would have brought some change instead of some bullshit


Well-Known Member
I didnt see it but I bet John Stewart gave Dr. Paul who is a true conservative more respect than Bill Oreily gave him.


Well-Known Member
I didnt see it but I bet John Stewart gave Dr. Paul who is a true conservative more respect than Bill Oreily gave him.
Ron Paul is quite possibly the only member of Congress classified as a republican who actually has his head screwed on pretty squarely. And yet those clowns at Fox News insist on speaking over him and cutting him off the way they do to the democrats.

I saw Maxine Waters interviewed by Greta VonCuntenstern, who barely let her finish a thought before cutting her off to argue. Who the fuck are you, Greta VonCuntenstern? What do you really know about ANYTHING, to argue with a woman who has been serving in Congress for nearly 20 years? And, you look like a retarded pit bull.... so...there.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is what ALL elected officials are SUPPOSED to be. He didn't get elected because the left-right paradigm status quo fears liberty. He is quite probably the most correct politician we have seen in a long time, perhaps ever. That makes him unelectable, since most Americans have their heads so far up their asses that the truth is to hard a pill to swallow. Nearly everything he predicted would happen, has. This country fucked up...big time.

The price we will pay is just beginning to happen, wait until interests rates rise and inflation kicks in, couple that with an unprecedented loss of liberty and what do you have? It won't be pretty, and it's barely started.


Well-Known Member
I didnt see it but I bet John Stewart gave Dr. Paul who is a true conservative more respect than Bill Oreily gave him.
Ya'. It was a good interview. Jon actually commended the congressman for speaking his mind in the face of criticism. He let him off pretty easy regarding 1800's (pre-fed) gold standard market volatility, but it's a comedy show... I'm definitely getting the book though... It's refreshing to see a "published" libertarian speaking in full sentences (i.e. not Glenn Beck, etc.)

P.S. Is your avatar supposed to be funny or just anti-American?


New Member
Ron Paul is quite possibly the only member of Congress classified as a republican who actually has his head screwed on pretty squarely. And yet those clowns at Fox News insist on speaking over him and cutting him off the way they do to the democrats.

I saw Maxine Waters interviewed by Greta VonCuntenstern, who barely let her finish a thought before cutting her off to argue. Who the fuck are you, Greta VonCuntenstern? What do you really know about ANYTHING, to argue with a woman who has been serving in Congress for nearly 20 years? And, you look like a retarded pit bull.... so...there.
With the exception of your anti-Fox bias, and your bent to the left, you're a pretty cool guy, doob.

Did you see the several interviews that Glenn Beck did with Ron Paul during the election cycle? Beck treated Paul with nothing but respect and allowed Paul to express his views completely.


Well-Known Member
With the exception of your anti-Fox bias, and your bent to the left, you're a pretty cool guy, doob.

Did you see the several interviews that Glenn Beck did with Ron Paul during the election cycle? Beck treated Paul with nothing but respect and allowed Paul to express his views completely.
I can't help but lean to the left. I haven't had my V8 in years, and I can't afford the surgery required to straighten me out. :peace:

I think it's important to note that there's bias in pretty much all media. Network news reports on politics are essentially politics-within-politics, with each network running their own campaign to win viewers - so we should all be a bit skeptical of all of them. Their main agenda is to market themselves to us, so we should regard them as we would those Val-Pak coupons that come in the mail. Most people either throw these away without ever looking at what's inside, or carefully sift through to see if there's anything remotely useful that might come in handy before it expires and throw out the rest. You won't find many (if you find any) people who keep and make use of every single coupon inside.

I have watched those interviews, and I think Glen Beck had no choice but to be respectful because his viewers would have likely taken offense if he hadn't. i mean, it's Ron Paul - even the democrats have a hard time finding something wrong with Ron Paul, myself included.

And really, does Greta VonWhatshername even have any viewers? I figured the only reason people watch her is because they are simply too frozen with terror at the sight of her to pick up the remote. :mrgreen:

Aww, Vi, I think you're pretty cool, too. Thanks. :peace:

In real life I have a number of staunchly republican friends and acquaintences. We don't talk about politics, and I don't hold their views against them personally. I think friendship should be based on the quality of the person and not the content of their beliefs.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious. What did he predict?
He completely predicted the collapse of the system last year and the effects of that. He did this 6 years ago. Among other things, he probably knows more about the economy and finance than the rest of Congress rolled together.



Well-Known Member
He completely predicted the collapse of the system last year and the effects of that.
Great link NoDrama. Thanks bro.

I had no idea he predicted this. I get the Times so I wasn't the least bit surprised when the banks imploded... Paul Krugman started pulling his hair out when the Bush administration began supplementing phony wealth (i.e. hidding poverty) with low fed rates, but it was conveniently hidden in the op-ed columns... It's too bad the so called 'Papers of Record' won't even cover the only honest congressman.

One note however. I wish Congressman Paul hadn't skirted the question regarding what he's proposing as an alternate to the Fed. He's not seriously suggesting a return to the gold standard is he? I guess I'll have to read the book.