Ron Paul is my pick (so far)


Well-Known Member
Healthcare for every citizen run by the government since they are doing so well running both Medicare and Medicaid. Government run healthcare would not work because it would end up being just like the Medicare and Medicaid systems now. And if you think that it would be different, consider this, the same people running both of the other systems would be running this one. The only way that a healthcare system for every citizen would work is if you put amendments into the constitution protecting it. But then you have to worry about somebody in both houses of Congress attaching some ryder to it for their little pork barrel project.

College education for everyone that wants it. Did you know there are scholarships setup for kids whose parents make less than 100,000.00 per year. Don't know about trade schools having scholarship programs like that.

In order to keep manufacturing jobs in this country you would have to eliminate all persons in charge of major corporations. You will also have to do away with stockholders in those companies that want a return on their investments. Or you could just get the countries where these manufacturing jobs are going to raise the wages for all employees.

Trade laws are suppose to benefit the American consumer and not the corporations or the workers of the corporations.

The best way to take charge of the deficit now would be to raise taxes and eliminate all spending. Not just military/war spending but everything. No more money to countries for medication, food or water. You could also close every military base around the world and bring all troops home. That will save billions of dollars every year.

I think that Japan has more control over our debt than China does. Since its Japan that has been buying U.S. Treasury bonds by the Billions since about '87. The reason people in the press are saying China is because they are Communist and are starting to have a booming economy like the U.S. had once.

Taking the cap off S.S. would help that fund. But then you will have people that pay in more than both of us wanting more than their fare share (see the list below).

As for your definition of the common person. I have met a lot of people in my life that work hard for a living. And I would never classify them as common. And that goes for you as well med!

I was using Forbes figures which leaves out anybody in the entertainment field. And these people here worked from zero up to be in the top 20 of the 400 richest Americans.

1. Bill Gates Microsoft
3. Sheldon Adelson Casinos/Hotels in Las Vegas
4. Larry Ellison Oracle
5. Paul Allen Microsoft
9. Michael Dell Dell
12. Sergey Brin Google
13. Larry Page Google
14. Jack Taylor Enterprise Rent-A-Car
15. Steve Ballmer Microsoft

So it can be done by starting with zero. I left off number 2 because it was Warren Buffet and he inherited what he has. Although I will say that most of these received government grants or had investment capital to start their companies with.


New Member
Healthcare for every citizen run by the government since they are doing so well running both Medicare and Medicaid. Government run healthcare would not work because it would end up being just like the Medicare and Medicaid systems now. And if you think that it would be different, consider this, the same people running both of the other systems would be running this one. As far as the running of Medicare, it is ok untill you get the private insurance involved as it has snuck in, then the govt has to pay both the dr.s and hospitals, and the insurance co.s. You have to take all profit out of medical, no stockholders to satisfy, no CEOs to pay exhorbitant salaries to, no insurance co.s to deny procedures due to expenses, Not for profit Medical. The only way that a healthcare system for every citizen would work is if you put amendments into the constitution protecting it. But then you have to worry about somebody in both houses of Congress attaching some ryder to it for their little pork barrel project.

College education for everyone that wants it. Did you know there are scholarships setup for kids whose parents make less than 100,000.00 per year.Only a limited amount. Don't know about trade schools having scholarship programs like that.

In order to keep manufacturing jobs in this country you would have to eliminate all persons in charge of major corporations. I'm for this, they are for the most part greedy assholes. Put a workers committee in charge, Make decisions based on good business practice instead of trying to fuck the other guy. You will also have to do away with stockholders in those companies that want a return on their investments. Or lower expectations Or you could just get the countries where these manufacturing jobs are going to raise the wages for all employees. Might work.

Trade laws are suppose to benefit the American consumer and not the corporations or the workers of the corporations. I also believe they should benefit the workers instead of the corporations

The best way to take charge of the deficit now would be to raise taxes and eliminate all spending. Not just military/war spending but everything. No more money to countries for medication, food or water. You could also close every military base around the world and bring all troops home. I'm all for this.

I think that Japan has more control over our debt ops home. That will save billions of dollars every year.than China does. Since its Japan that has been buying U.S. Treasury bonds by the Billions since about '87. The reason people in the press are saying China is because they are Communist and are starting to have a booming economy like the U.S. had once.

Taking the cap off S.S. would help that fund. But then you will have people that pay in more than both of us wanting more than their fare share (see the list below).

As for your definition of the common person. I have met a lot of people in my life that work hard for a living. And I would never classify them as common. And that goes for you as well med!

I was using Forbes figures which leaves out anybody in the entertainment field. And these people here worked from zero up to be in the top 20 of the 400 richest Americans.

1. Bill Gates Microsoft
3. Sheldon Adelson Casinos/Hotels in Las Vegas
4. Larry Ellison Oracle
5. Paul Allen Microsoft
9. Michael Dell Dell
12. Sergey Brin Google
13. Larry Page Google
14. Jack Taylor Enterprise Rent-A-Car
15. Steve Ballmer Microsoft

So it can be done by starting with zero. I left off number 2 because it was Warren Buffet and he inherited what he has. Although I will say that most of these received government grants or had investment capital to start their companies with.
I never said it couldn't be done, your odds are like one in 300,000, thats pretty stiff, and even at that, you have to know someone of priveledge to get your start, or invent something like the dot. com. kings. How do you get investment capital? You have to be in tight with someone of priveledge and suck some ass. There is a cap on the amount you can recieve at retirement, SS, and rightfully so. those aforementioned individuals won't need SS to stay alive, but many retirees like myself, depend on it for rent and groceries.


Well-Known Member
I never said it couldn't be done, your odds are like one in 300,000, thats pretty stiff, and even at that, you have to know someone of priveledge to get your start, or invent something like the dot. com. kings. How do you get investment capital? You have to be in tight with someone of priveledge and suck some ass. There is a cap on the amount you can recieve at retirement, SS, and rightfully so. those aforementioned individuals won't need SS to stay alive, but many retirees like myself, depend on it for rent and groceries.
Hey my father depended on S.S. to live. He wouldn't take anything from any of his kids. He told me this before he died, "Make sure you don't have to depend on S.S. or Medicare when you get my age." I will probably tell my daughter the same thing one day. And I know that those people won't have to depend on it. But guess what, the have paid into it and can also withdraw from it when they retire. To me that is the real problem with the Social Security fund.


New Member
Well, I think the "real" problem with the social security fund is that there is NO fund. Nope, nothing in there but I.O.U.'s. All the money has long been spent to garner votes and power from citizens who believe in the big lie of the free lunch.



New Member
Well, I think the "real" problem with the social security fund is that there is NO fund. Nope, nothing in there but I.O.U.'s. All the money has long been spent to garner votes and power from citizens who believe in the big lie of the free lunch.

Well, I think the money is stolen by right wing nut jobs to Fund their wars, then they bitch about having to pay the recipients, If they would leave the SS money alone, there would be plenty to pay the retirees.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think the money is stolen by right wing nut jobs to Fund their wars, then they bitch about having to pay the recipients, If they would leave the SS money alone, there would be plenty to pay the retirees.
The only thing is, it was a Democrat named Clinton that tapped into the Social Security fund more than any Republican has. The real bad thing is, I not only worked on his campaigns twice, but I also voted for him twice.


New Member
The only thing is, it was a Democrat named Clinton that tapped into the Social Security fund more than any Republican has. The real bad thing is, I not only worked on his campaigns twice, but I also voted for him twice.
ARRRRUUGGGGG!!! And you ADMIT it? ~:mrgreen:l~



New Member
ARRRRUUGGGGG!!! And you ADMIT it? ~:mrgreen:l~

At least he's human, you're so far right, if you don't watch it you'll be comin round the bend into the left quadrant. How about another war, Iran anyone, then Syria, N. Korea, Packistan, there's room for plenty more, as long as you don't have to fight in them.


Well-Known Member
The more I listen to Ron Paul the more hope I have for this country that was once so great. I have the hope that we'll have the true Peoples' President.
If we do elect him president, I predict we will carve his face on Mt. Rushmore next to Washington,Jefferson,Lincoln and Roosevelt.
As long as he is allowed to continue to debate, he has a huge chance.
He's the only Republican who represent the majority of Americans on the Iraq issue. This man doesn't waver one bit. He will not be bought, he will not be held down. RON PAUL 2008


Well-Known Member
And yet the hold out hope when they know he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of gaining the nomination.


New Member
let's get him nominated!!.
I'd be happy just to see him survive all the debates and to be interviewed on all the networks. At least his message would get out. I felt the same way about Alan Keyes when Geo. Bush 41 was running for his second term. Alan Keyes just stuffed the Constitution down the throats of the other Republican candidates during the debates. I'm hoping for the same from Ron Paul.



Well-Known Member
He stands no chance, He's too radical for the conservatives and too conservative for the liberals.... So it's an exercise in futility. All you have left is wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
the Republican nomination is up for grabs, he's got just as much chance as anyone else does. I think he has more, but what do I know?
I never thought I would be registering as a Republican, too funny.


New Member
Thanks for reminding me, CannaBoss. I still have to reregister.

Dank ... Again, if the message gets out to millions of people through Ron Paul, then its worth his running ... win or not. Don't you agree?



Well-Known Member
The well oiled and thoroughly corrupt political machine which dominates Wash. DC despises Ron Paul. Paul is considered "radical" because he wants to get back to basics. He is true to the US Constitution and for this he is deemed a "radical".
This just goes to show how the reigning political class has lost all respect for the Constitution of these United States.

IF Paul can spread his message over the next year or so, he may very well have a chance to win the nomination.
If he prevails in the general election, he will undoubtedly face massive gridlock in Washington, as the status quo will do its corrupt best to maintain itself.
IMO, Paul will butt heads tenaciously with the dysfunctional system currently dominating the political the very least, his efforts will expose to more voters how befouled the cesspool of DC has become!
Now's the Time for Ron Paul!!!!
If we wait, it may be too late to save the Union!

Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is fine and all, but there is no way I'm going to hook my boat up to that ideology of his. I suppose you have to take the bad with the good, although I'd prefer it if he were to take in consideration that there has been some drastic improvements over the past two-hundred plus years. If he were to debate about the pros and cons of policies instead of resorting to rhetoric about the founding fathers, I'd think more of him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reminding me, CannaBoss. I still have to reregister.

Dank ... Again, if the message gets out to millions of people through Ron Paul, then its worth his running ... win or not. Don't you agree?

Sure I agree but I don't see him getting the nomination.


Well-Known Member
for starters whats up dank vi and wavels. i don't see ron getting the nomination either dank, but all we need now is a voice and an ear