Rollitup Radio


Well-Known Member
grateful dead coming up for chiceh since u r such a nice, loyal listener of us....Thanks Chiceh!!!


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Mokety Enjoys the radio as much as I do...we have 15 minutes or so of The Dead, if anyone has requests in that time they will be playing after. We are live right now.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks for the shout out and the Dead, hee hee just say chiceh (and say the eh really long like chicaaaay) lol. I Luv you guys. Do you guys ever got to Livechat? You should check out. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah its me. i listen to streaming radio all the time so i check ur station every now and then.

can you play rock lobster


Well-Known Member
so how much do you pay for the shoutcast server? and also do you have to pay more for higher bitrate. theres another rollitup radio im sure you noticed. they have 96 just curious?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
so how much do you pay for the shoutcast server? and also do you have to pay more for higher bitrate. theres another rollitup radio im sure you noticed. they have 96 just curious?

We pay nothing right now, but if we can max out the 16 users we will pay for some higher bitrate and more listeners. So don't worry about that too much.
Thanks for asking though!


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
For the people who have listened in, what player are you using? Can you help the others listen? I cannot test the station out, just broadcast from here...


Well-Known Member
and the link works but only if they have winamp already or something setup for .shoutcast or something which 99% they wont.