sponsered grow journal!


Well-Known Member
If you were asking what the benifiets of doing a SCRog...with the screen...(the only way to do it, its just not a scrog if theres no screen of green.) Then the answer is, it forces lower budsites to grow higher, while supressing the main growing tips, at the screen level, till as many bud sites get to the canopy (screen level) as possible. Many medium size buds instead of one large cola ( which is what you would get in a SOG, but int SOG you would have more plants...ideally )


Well-Known Member
day 51 (day 3 flowering):

The first definite female showed its sex today, unfortunately my camera is too shit to show decent photo's (all photo's have been taken on my phone :mrgreen:)

I have ditched the Styrofoam box idea (was annoying having a room lit up 18hrs a day.)

and I've put them into the cupboard I had the other ones in on an 18/6 light cycle.
I've improved this space a lot with some panda roll and will be putting some more muffin fans in.

Flowering Group Shot (GROW A)

Best plant update (2'2"tall)

Growing Group Shot (GROW B)

Special note:
can you please send newbie questions via PM, I'm glad to answer them but I am trying to keep my journal clean.



Well-Known Member
DAY 66 (day 18 flowering)

I've found 2 males in the grow room.
I want a large seed stock for this years out door grow so I've striped back both of them and I'm waiting for their balls to ripen so I can harvest the pollen and breed my sweet tooth #3's.

Any way heres a photo of the flowering group, every one of them have been sexed. 8 females, 2 males. the hydro one has gone completely, my friend couldn't take it, and it ended up to be male.

heres 2 shots of Group B.



Well-Known Member
Looks great becarful, all those nuts flyin around....dangerous! Any way look good. Good luck! (sorry bout side conversation before)


Well-Known Member
DAY 75 (Day 27 flowering)

This photo was taken last night (about 24hrs ago).

I've had no real problems other then one of my plants (back right corner) has started to yellow slightly, I think it needs a rinse, I'll give it nothing but water for the next week.

I've been so incredibly busy lately, I've not been around to baby them as much as what I would have normally.

I've ditched the idea of breeding them, I would prefer the extra bud for now.
I'll still re-vedge them and take clones from them.



Well-Known Member
hey guys, no more photo's unfortunately.

Group A:

it got a bit crazy around here near harvest, I'm doing my final exams in network engineering at the moment.

My final harvest was kinda bad because I got really stoned on my 21st and decided to harvest everything about 2weeks early and only got about 1oz
of each female (7.2oz all up).

so not bad considering I had cheap soil, fuck all space, turned them into flower too soon (I'm used to them doubling in height in flower, this doesn't seem to happen with these strains.) and that I harvested 2 weeks early.

Group B:
they are about the size of group A in the last GROUP A PHOTO.
some of them have been striped back quite a bit, this is because I've taken 10 clones off each for my out door grow this year.

I'll be starting a new journal for the outdoor grow soon. (I have 2 weeks off soon so it'll be then.)

heres what it'll be like.

100+ clones.
estimated worse case scenario yeild: 50oz (aiming at over 15Lb.)
so yeah... should keep me and the cancer buddies happy for a while.:blsmoke:
times like this I wish I could sell the shit, I'd be rich by now :roll:

Things I've learned from this grow...

Vedge period:

  • make sure you have enogh space for every seed you plant BEFORE you plant them. I had a terible trouble trying to find time to build a new grow room after moving house.
  • make sure you check your pH's in cheap soil before you use it. I had terrible nitrogen deficiency problems, turned out to be the soil's PH was at 9.5 strait from the bag.
  • make sure to re-pot into larger containers about 2 weeks before they go into the flower stage, don't re-pot same day as changing the light cycle.
  • these strains didn't gain much height/nodes after 12/12 light cycle kicked in, so make sure you have your desired height BEFORE you change to 12/12.
  • you can not water them for up to 5days when they are under CFL's before they die. (went on holidays and forgot to set the watering systems timer!, got back to them a bit wilted but after watering they looked allot better, they just didn't grow at all.)

  • make sure you turn ALL of your plants a 1/4 turn every day/every other day. there was 1 plant that I couldn't reach after a while so I only ever watered it, and nothing else. buds only grew on one side, there for it had less then half an oz on it.
  • don't get stoned if you are thinking about pulling plants... it doesn't end well.
  • don't get sick half way threw and ignore the garden for 2 weeks. bad things will happen, try to check at least once a day, it only takes 5mins.
  • don't pinch your buds before they're ready (after years of growing I can never remember this)
and finally harvest.

  • rats like buds
  • don't get too stoned when manicuring your buds, I ended up with more bud in the trim box, then the drying rack.

if you have things to do, either don't get stoned... or get so stoned you forget about them and it doesn't worry you any more.


Well-Known Member's kinda incomplete, you pulled them 2 weeks before they were ready? why?

no update for over a month and a half?

poor show old chap



Well-Known Member
yeah I know its incomplete, but group b will continue and show what would have happend if I had continued to post.

also I still have pics for all throughout the month or so which will be posted as soon as I get a new USB cable for my camera.


Well-Known Member
well i hope to see it, i remember when i first saw this post i was very excited and then nothing, i forgot about it and then to see this tonight was just dissapointing.



well i hope to see it, i remember when i first saw this post i was very excited and then nothing, i forgot about it and then to see this tonight was just dissapointing.

i hate to be a dick..but i agree.. i was stoked to see what that jack herar looked like in flowering!!