

Well-Known Member
ive heard rockwool needs to be soaked then
adjusted to the right ph cause it can change the ph of
your water...i was wondering if thats true??
also should i do it for 24 hours cause i heard its
good to get it soft so roots can grow through easier...
thank you for the answers:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that you should adjust the pH of your water BEFORE you soak the rockwool cube. Then soak it for 24 hours... but rockwool holds a hella lot of water and can suficate a seed or a germinated seeds root... so make sure you dont keep them too wet... and dont ever squeeze them or it ruins the cavities in the wool that hold air and water

I used rockwool for the first time and i decided that i didnt like it so im going to grow with a different medium when i run out of rockwool


Well-Known Member
soaking your RW wont make it softer for roots to grow through.

its will however bring the ph where you want it. i soak my RW overnight in plain water with H2O2 phed to 5.0. the next day the ph of the water is usually about 5.8. i shake(never squeeze your RW) out the water and water with whatever soution im using @ ph 5.2.


Well-Known Member
soaking your RW wont make it softer for roots to grow through.

its will however bring the ph where you want it. i soak my RW overnight in plain water with H2O2 phed to 5.0. the next day the ph of the water is usually about 5.8. i shake(never squeeze your RW) out the water and water with whatever soution im using @ ph 5.2.
oh i see....
so the rockwool brings your ph up
and be leaving it a little down your rockwool
should bring it up.....
i cant soak mine everyday cause there under hydroton
but that will help a lot...thanks man :leaf:


Well-Known Member
no, you only have to soak it like i said once before you use it. it comes from the factory with different ph's and you need to get it where you want it before you use it. once its there and you water with the proper ph nutes it should stay constant. i add the H2O2 to kill any possible baddies that could be in the RW, an extra possibly unnecessary step but it makes me feel safer.


Well-Known Member
real close, not exactly. the lower water ph brings down the mediums ph, but the lower medium ph raises the water ph. thats why we start with water lower than we wish to end up with.


Well-Known Member
ok well my water that its soaking in keeps raising
and im trying to get it at a 5.8
should i just leave it


Well-Known Member
all right, how long have they been soaking? what are you using to adjust the ph? is it plain water?
well yeah of course i soak it in plain water
but i phed it to a 5.4 cause my water was 7.0
then put em in and they went up to a 6.3


Well-Known Member
well yeah of course i soak it in plain water
but i phed it to a 5.4 cause my water was 7.0
then put em in and they went up to a 6.3
i asked about the plain water because some ferts can drift ph.

that seems like an awefull lot of ph drift. what brand of RW are you using? ive heard some brands arent as ph stable as others, but i dont know that for sure.

try another overnight this time at 4.8ish and lets see where that gets us.