Rio + aqua pump/powerhead 1100


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You should be fine with that pump since your doing a flood and drain table correct. Maybe do a test run to see how long it takes the table to flood before the water hits the overflow drain then you ll know how long to set your floods for with that particular pump


Well-Known Member
cool sweet ty i'm actually going to use it for a 4x4 table first just wanting to see if it will meet my next upgrade i'm getting my 4x4 this should i buy a resivior? or can i just use a rubber maid garbage can? and yes i'm going flood and drain...was pretty much the best i though till joining here and seeing areoponics seems to be taking over.....


Well-Known Member
u built that? lol if so congrats......till i got chems and shit down i think i'll stay eb n flo myself though areo looks sweet i spent 280 candian for my trimeter to try and keep my babies safe


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah I built that setup. Cost me about $140-150 us to do it. Everything from loacl hardware stores.Can be fitted to different sizes as needed all setup are similiar in priciple. They sell these prebuilt for like $800 but screw tat building stuff from a picture is more fun lol good luck on the grow