Rick Simpson Oil


New Member
Hey, I am new here. I am looking for some Rick Simpson Oil in WI (obviously illegal in WI). Just wondering if anyone could help me find some until I can make my own. Any help is greatly appreciated.... Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
You might want to open about yourself a little to get more feed back. What you will be using it to treat ect.
I know it's personal but, it's illegal for people to help also. I know if you are sick and I had trim, I would be
more then happy to help. Good luck brother.


New Member
A real Simpson grade oil is not something that is easily found , and to be honest the price even for a legal patient can be extraordinary . I think it will be noted as well that asking for such on this board is against the rules . Hope you dont mind being called a pig either as most will call you such for this post .

Good luck and if you need to make your own there are great tutorials on the main forum for such .


New Member
A little about me....

I am a 38 year old female with a lump in my left breast which I sometimes feel heat. My fear of course is breast cancer. Additionally, I have a clinical diagnosis of agoraphobia with panic disorder which I have been struggling with for 3 1/2 years. (It was triggered by working 120 hour work weeks to 'please' my new employer). This I believe is due to childhood PTSD. I believe my constant anxiety is destroying my body. I have tried pharmaceuticals and had a terrible time with them. I currently don't take any....one of my phobias is conventional medical doctors. I watched my friend Sara (lymphoblastic lymphoma) and my grandma (small cell) die a horrible death after taking chemo and radiation and in general have a hatred towards Big Pharma. I just started seeing a naturopath and we are waiting for a bunch of tests to come back. In the meantime, I have started juicing again, and taking fish oils, etc. I found the Run From The Cure a few weeks ago and have been researching ever since. The other day I found a radio interview of a guy who not only cured his physical illness but his PTSD as well with RSO (I did not bookmark it so I hope to find it again.) I just cried....what if.... I also watched "Leaf (The Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis)" and it made so much sense to me. I could have never imagined that I would know as much as I have learned about THC and CBD and making a grow tent, etc.

One of my issue is self denial. I many times do not properly care for myself if I feel I may disappoint someone or look like a failure. I, also, have a very difficult time asking for help. For example, working 120 hour work weeks without knowing it was going to destroy me and thinking it was the right thing to do. The other week I was able to go out and help a friend plant a garden for three hours. I had to go to the bathroom the entire time but I did not go because I didn't want to look like a slacker or loser. Obviously, that is ridiculous sick thinking. So, I have started to ask myself if I had a child what would I tell my child to do (of course use the bathroom in the above instance). So, I am sorry if I broke the rules with my posting and am a pig, but I am pretty desperate. If I had a child with the conditions that I have, I would fight for that child to find some relief, hence that is why I am here...fighting for myself.

I am at a breaking point. The lump in my breast and this chronic anxiety is just too much. I see hope in RSO in what I have read and watched. However, I feel extremely overwhelmed at how to get myself this medicine. Mr. Ganja, I understand your point that the oil is not easily found and that it is extremely expensive. I certainly don't have thousands of dollars on hand. Hence, I can try to grow my own, but that is a 3-4 month process as I understand. Plus time and money to get everything set up, learning curve, buying seeds (looks like they mainly come from the UK), etc. I could buy street drugs and try to make RSO from that, but I have no idea what I am getting and let me be honest when saying that I have never bought weed in my life, and it looks like a pound of bud runs $2000-$2400 which I don't have all of that right now. Hence, I am looking for any help/suggestions that I can get.

Part of my self denial (sickness) is not telling my business, sickness, hurts, etc....so I feel somewhat guilty and like a cry baby for writing all of the above, but that is where I am at right now.


Well-Known Member
You definitely should not feel guilty or like a cry baby for sharing your background. I
was worried the first response to your thread would be something like "Hello officer"
or something of that nature and turn you off to everything.

There is a website called leafly that could help you find the right strain for your condition.
I have not looked through the site yet but, I have heard it is pretty detailed. Picking the
right strain is very, very important.

Growing is much more therapeutic then you could possibly imagine. Just seeing a seed
turn into a plant is enough to make you start feeling better. In my opinion it would be worth
every penny to start your own as soon as you can. It is very much worth it to put everything
on a credit card if you have to. There is nothing on this earth that I enjoy more then growing
this plant.

There is a massive amount of information on how to grow on the internet. Ask any question
you can possibly think of and people will go out of their way to help. Start researching a organic
feed schedules and go from there. Good luck sister, sorry for assuming you were a dude.


New Member
Hiya Panics , looks like the usual cop screaming crowd is out enjoying some sunshine so perhaps this one will float by and not be detected by the circus leaders here lol .
Good info posted above by slumdog80 .

You mentioned juicing and I wonder if you are fully aware of the healing benefits of cannabis juice , There has been recent research and documentation and it has been led by Dr. Courtney out of California and I highly advise reading up and perhaps going this direction as well .

Do you have any friends in the state of Michigan ? There are some people in the U.P who network towards Wisconsin and you may be able to link up somewhere up there in the bush lol


New Member
Hey, thanks for the responses!

I will check out leafly asap. I have read some info and watched a video on juicing raw cannabis. I would totally incorporate that. I read that you can freeze the juice as well and it doesn't lose too much of it's benefits which is awesome.

I don't have any friends in Michigan that I know of....

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the responses!

I will check out leafly asap. I have read some info and watched a video on juicing raw cannabis. I would totally incorporate that. I read that you can freeze the juice as well and it doesn't lose too much of it's benefits which is awesome.

I don't have any friends in Michigan that I know of....

Thanks again!

Hang around here long enough and that might change..

Buying *quality* concentrates like Rick Simpson oil is pretty cost prohibitive. It takes a pound of pretty good quality bud to make a several month supply of it so as a result you'll pay an arm and a leg for it .... and not even be certain if it was made properly. Like others have already mentioned your best bet would be to start growing yourself. You can pick up lightly used equiptment on craigs list for a huge discount, and you should be able to track down genetics much easier than you'd be able to find some good RSO.

Best of luck to you!


New Member
Thank you all for the wishes of luck! I appreciate it....I feel like I am at the end of my rope.

I totally agree that I need to grow my own and that "quality" oil is cost prohibitive. That being said I don't think that I can wait the 3-4 months it takes to grow my own to start this treatment. I have this "warm" lump and my anxiety it insane (putting it mildly). I don't have money to just piss away, but it seems like my option at this point is to find some street weed and make enough oil to get me started, hoping that it is good quality until I can make my own.

As far a vacation to MI....that is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't know what to do once I got there! HA! Also, I need to find someone to drive me....one of my phobias is highway driving. I once had to have an airplane return to the gate from the tarmac in Ottawa due to a panic attack and we had to rent a car and drive a car home to WI. My anxiety was so crazy and I have unable to drive on the highway ever since. Even riding is a bitch.

There I go again boo hooing again!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the wishes of luck! I appreciate it....I feel like I am at the end of my rope.

I totally agree that I need to grow my own and that "quality" oil is cost prohibitive. That being said I don't think that I can wait the 3-4 months it takes to grow my own to start this treatment. I have this "warm" lump and my anxiety it insane (putting it mildly). I don't have money to just piss away, but it seems like my option at this point is to find some street weed and make enough oil to get me started, hoping that it is good quality until I can make my own.

As far a vacation to MI....that is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't know what to do once I got there! HA! Also, I need to find someone to drive me....one of my phobias is highway driving. I once had to have an airplane return to the gate from the tarmac in Ottawa due to a panic attack and we had to rent a car and drive a car home to WI. My anxiety was so crazy and I have unable to drive on the highway ever since. Even riding is a bitch.

There I go again boo hooing again!
Michigan is a vacation state. Maybe your cousin can help w residency. You'd likely be not satisfied w schwaggy brick for oil. You may have to move. Where are you, mars? good luck on your journey.


Well-Known Member
https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/555344-my-silkroad-experiance.html not my experience just a thread
on this site. There is a lot of info else where too. If you do not know someone already this might be one of your safer options.

I have not been on the site but, there are many people on there that are professional and take what they do seriously.
You would not have to travel and, if you dealt with someone reputable it is somewhat safe at least safer then dealing with
strangers that do not have a very vested interest in their reputation. All sellers on there get ratings and reviews. Just take
your time with your due diligence. Be safe and good luck.


New Member
If one were looking to buy "good bud", how much would 1 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz cost on the street? How would one know if it is "good"? Thanks!


New Member
If one were looking to buy "good bud", how much would 1 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz cost on the street? How would one know if it is "good"? Thanks!
It all depends on who you know and how many hands have passed it and taxed it . A good ball park figure for average Michigan bud would be $ 300 , $ 1,600 and $3,200 a lb .
Trust your nose when smelling weed , if there is little odor chances are slim that it is potent as good potent weed usually stinks bad but in a good way lol . Look for Trichomes often called resin glands or crystals by novice smokers . These are good indications of potency along with a nice color verses it being brown and worn down . You do not want wet fresh weed either as it should be aged somewhat for the best of medicinal quality .:bigjoint: