revenge or turn a cheek

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This guy is on a slow downward spiral. He is going to drown in his own vomit (figuratively speaking). The way to know this for sure is by the fact he hasn't sought YOU out and tried to make things right. Confronting him will most likely cause resentment and he will only justify what he did. He can live with himself then. It's an easy out. The best thing you can do is to let him see you but act like he doesn't exist. That this guy had so little impact in your life he doesn't even register as a life form anymore.

Revenge works out real well in our heads but usually sucks in practice. Plus it harms you as much as it harms him. Cleanse your soul. Let it go.


Active Member
There's nothing worse than a snitch. Even the most nefarious of characters agree on this. Having said that, how did you get yourself into "a string of events" and put yourself in a position to be accused? Your "buddy" deserves his share of bad karma but you have to take a step back and take a certain portion of the blame. I would confront him and say something along the lines of, "C'MON MAN!" Then be done with it. Good luck and I'm glad things are going well for you.
1st to envoke the power of ref#2
the string started shortly after i reenlisted... my 1st wife left me after i reenlisted for the cunt to take her to europe. i went to italy alone and she kept the house i i was kinda depressed and drank. ALOT got in lots of shit, crashed a miliary vehical dropkicked another my girlfriend was concidered adultry cause the divorce wasnt final i gained weight and got a large anarchy tattoo on my forearm....i think thats the short of it

C'MON MAN! is about what i wat to say to him followed by a wtf your a douche and if we talk further and he lets me i would take a free punch to his face


Active Member
***SPOILER ALERT*** (highlight the text if you want to read it)
Or kidnap him and trap him in a room without windows for 20 years. Then get him and "a girl" together, romantically, then convince him to kill the girl (because after 20 years trapped like a rat he'll be on edge) when you force her to betray him.

Then, after he has fucked her and killed her... Give him pictures of himself and his 4 year old daughter so he can figure it out. That's right. Incest and burying his own child after imprisonment and daily torture. MWA HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Now that is fucking revenge.

I guess you don't need to see Oldboy now. I'm a ruiner.
if only i had the time to waste on girls need me growin it time consuming


Active Member
This guy is on a slow downward spiral. He is going to drown in his own vomit (figuratively speaking). The way to know this for sure is by the fact he hasn't sought YOU out and tried to make things right. Confronting him will most likely cause resentment and he will only justify what he did. He can live with himself then. It's an easy out. The best thing you can do is to let him see you but act like he doesn't exist. That this guy had so little impact in your life he doesn't even register as a life form anymore

Revenge works out real well in our heads but usually sucks in practice. Plus it harms you as much as it harms him. Cleanse your soul. Let it go.
you are a very wise panda