Reveg and seedling in same room?

I have 6 plants and want to reveg maybe 3 of them. Is it ok to reveg and start a new grow from seeds in the same grow tent? I planned on germinating and placing the seedlings in their medium at least 1-2 weeks before I harvest, then switch to 18/6. I understand timing may be essential depending on when the seeds sprout. Please, send questions, comments and concerns.


Well-Known Member
Yes if its on veg cycle lighting, find some books or somthing to raise the seedling up next to the nigger plants :-)


Well-Known Member
Uhh think you misspelled a word there bud
Totally, thankgod it was here and not in some politically correct place or id be facing yet another racially agrivated assault charge, fucking third this year, i dont get why the minorities even come to my country the scum :-)