Resin Seeds Cannatonnic


A couple months ago i got some regular Cannatonic seeds. I sprouted 3 out of the 10 pack, 2 germinated. They've had a 3 month veg, so they sexed really quick. Both plants turned out to be females.
Which i am super excited about. The question i have is, has anybody grown this out and found the 1:1 THC/CBD phenotype? How will i know if i have it? What are the other phenotypes like? Off the 2 plants i took 8 clones each so im gunna set up a sea of green in hydro. I also wanted to know is the 1:1 phenotype weed any good recreationally?? Or is it only good for people in pain??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
The only way you'll know if you have the 1:1 pheno is to grow the plants out and smoke'em.
There's no way to tell the THC/CBD ratio from just looks alone.
As for this strains recreational use, it's going to make you feel good from head to toe, but not super high though.
Good luck.


Thats really good to know. if anybody is looking for cuttings of it pm me and maybe we can work something out
They've already been in 2 weeks, the next 8 are going to last forever. haha I really appreciate the help.