

Active Member
im currently doing my first grow a 6 site aeroponics system its sitting on top of 47 l resevoir with a 2 inch over flow inside

i would just like to kno what is the most effected method for growing

i was thinking about switching to i think its called nft with pvc fence post aeroponic but how big of plants can that grow considering its only only 7 inchs or so deeep

what do u think the most effected way is for a 2 rooom set up larger plants bigger buds more smaller plants

anything is apreciated +++ repppp for good input:bigjoint:bongsmilie
im currently doing my first grow
Awesome! .
a 6 site aeroponics system its sitting on top of 47 l resevoir with a 2 inch over flow inside

i would just like to kno what is the most effected method for growing
Whether it be soil, hydro or aero; I think you will find that the best growers say their method is the best. And they have the yields to back it up. But they also have the genetics, a proper grow room setup, nutrients, and they really have their gardening skills dialed in. If you want simple, consistent, and solid yields then start out with soil. If you are starting out with hydro then I personally would recommend a recirculating flood/drain system. Then once you get the hang of hydro, you can move to other techniques, aero, NFT, etc...

i was thinking about switching to i think its called nft with pvc fence post aeroponic but how big of plants can that grow considering its only only 7 inchs or so deeep
Is it in the current Urban Garden magazine (and High Times a few moths ago)? The roots receive a constant supply of h2o and nutrients, so they don't have to travel that far for dinner. The size of the plant all goes back to everything else in your grow setup I mentioned above, and more.

what do u think the most effected way is for a 2 rooom set up larger plants bigger buds more smaller plants
Is one room for veg and the other flower? Everything else is a personal preference. I prefer larger plants. How do you plan to propagate? Do you have the mothers to support many small plants? Cloner? If you want to try SOG or SCROG then go for it. But as I said I prefer larger plants and bigger buds. In the end your "many plant" yield will be relative to the "larger plant" yield (under the same growth conditions) because of the amount of energy flowing through your garden. If you can yield 1g of bud per watt of light then you are doing an awesome job, in any type if setup. My advice is to understand the plant first. That means keep it simple and focus on the Botany. Once you get this down then I say try the coolest space age setup that you enjoy gardening with. The limiting factor in any setup is the misinterpretation by us on what the plants are communicating.

Hope this helps!


Active Member
im doing straight hydro
right now i jsut got a small set up just at the end of my first grow all me harvesting next week

i was going to make the nft system seemed most effecent but i want large plants with that since the roots wont have much room to grow down and they would most likly get tangled or could that system still make large plants


Well-Known Member
im doing straight hydro
right now i jsut got a small set up just at the end of my first grow all me harvesting next week

i was going to make the nft system seemed most effecent but i want large plants with that since the roots wont have much room to grow down and they would most likly get tangled or could that system still make large plants
I'm growing in 4"x4" vinyl fence posts and my plants are about 4 feet tall so, yes, these systems can definitely produce large plants.


Well-Known Member
If done properly you can get huge plants with any growing method. It is all in design of the setup. Take DWC for instance... You can do a 10 gallon toat with 4 plants in it, but u can only grow them so big because space will become an issue. On the other hand if u did individual buckets for your DWC then you can rotate your girls according to size, thus allowing for much more growth. So before choosing a system figure out how many plants your goin to do and how big.


Active Member
If done properly you can get huge plants with any growing method. It is all in design of the setup. Take DWC for instance... You can do a 10 gallon toat with 4 plants in it, but u can only grow them so big because space will become an issue. On the other hand if u did individual buckets for your DWC then you can rotate your girls according to size, thus allowing for much more growth. So before choosing a system figure out how many plants your goin to do and how big.
lol thats probally the best advice i got so far i just thought the more rooom for the roots to grow or hang w.e would make for larger stronger plants and the smaller setup u have would make it harder to get strong plants


Well-Known Member
lol thats probally the best advice i got so far i just thought the more rooom for the roots to grow or hang w.e would make for larger stronger plants and the smaller setup u have would make it harder to get strong plants
Not necessarily true. I have seen a monster plant grown inside of a coffee can using DWC. Of course the larger the container the larger the root system will get, but it mostly depends on genetics and your skill.