Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.


Well-Known Member
Strange thing about life on earth, it learns to adapt. The whole "survival of the fittest" thing. Maybe this was all meant to happen. Man is what man is.


Well-Known Member
People care, people don't care. People are compassionate, people are heartless. People help others, people destroy others. People create, people destroy. At no time will everyone ever be in agreement over anything. The future will happen and what it brings is what it brings. What does it matter "why"?

Man caused this.

Man didn't cause this.

What does any of it matter? All one can do is live for what they believe in and then die. It's inevitable. 8)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

statistics is not science, you can make statistics do handstands if you play them the right way.

the global temp is still well below the medieval warm period highs, and WAY lower than the roman warm period, and thats just in the holocene epoch.

the last interglacial and the one before were much hotter, and the temps fluctuated much more rapidly

you cant prove a theory to be correct with a statistical analysis, and you cant prove a competing theory wrong with one either.

the only Anthropogenic Global Warming going on round here is from all the hot air from the hysterical fearmongers

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

statistics is not science, you can make statistics do handstands if you play them the right way.

the global temp is still well below the medieval warm period highs, and WAY lower than the roman warm period, and thats just in the holocene epoch.

the last interglacial and the one before were much hotter, and the temps fluctuated much more rapidly

you cant prove a theory to be correct with a statistical analysis, and you cant prove a competing theory wrong with one either.

the only Anthropogenic Global Warming going on round here is from all the hot air from the hysterical fearmongers
The cabal wants all the resources and to starve us. They did it before in Nazi Germany and communist Russia. Globalization pollutes more than anything else, but that's done in international waters where no one can police the cabal's actions. It's a scam to make money. If it wasn't scare tactics, why isn't it mentioned shipping vessels produce twice the pollution than all cars?

Look at this hand, don't watch my other hand copping a feel of your breast. Then you blame the guy behind her, and walk away. Can you blame a brother for wanting to sneak a grope?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
How did they come up with a map for Medieval periods?

I was watching Jimmy Fallon tonight and he was blabbering about no winter in Cali this winter.
Well, it was cold as fuck in the east this winter.
Colder than it has been in 20 years.

"We can have some more, nature is a whore".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How did they come up with a map for Medieval periods?

I was watching Jimmy Fallon tonight and he was blabbering about no winter in Cali this winter.
Well, it was cold as fuck in the east this winter.
Colder than it has been in 20 years.

"We can have some more, nature is a whore".
You have more problems watching Jimmy Fallon, than if ACC is real.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
..and yet, extreme weather patterns is not a sign of ACC, exactly as predicted..
What are these extreme weather patterns? There are flood myths from around the world, which would be evidence of a much more extreme weather pattern.Yet that's bullshit. But, scientists say the sky is falling and you run around like Chicken Little.

The Little Ice Age lasted about 500 years, and happened before the industrial revolution.

During the Ordovician era, C02 levels were about 5x what they are now, yet there was a glaciation. That means C02 isn't the driving force of ACC.

Next up, the Sun activity was up in the past decades, yet there was a cold trend. The heating trend occurred during less solar activity.

While shitting in the well isn't too smart, this doom and gloom is made up garbage meant to sucker fools like yourself. The Earth has had extreme weather patterns in the past without humans, and will continue past when humans can survive from the Sun's corona expanding and killing all life.

Do tell more Nostradamus!


Well-Known Member

Warmth in recent years is not cyclical, it's anomalous.

The anomaly starts when the industrial revolution starts... weird!



Well-Known Member

If you overlay a graph showing fossil fuel usage, it follows this line...... TOTALLY COINCIDENCE!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Yep, totally. Let's allow China to pollute at nearly twice that of all global cars. So the ones making money, make more money, and let's pretend, "hey every bit counts!" Let's not stop Chinese cargo ships from taking port in our waters and polluting. Because we want to give the people what they want. We won't mention that on the news. It's all we the people's fault! Even if true, if we stopped the pollution from globalization, we could instead use all the gas guzzlers, incandescent bulbs, etc that we wanted to. No way! Let's punish we the people instead cause we're idiots and totally believe Sally Struthers needs stay a fat fuck, but we give her money to feed the poor Ethiopians for a dollar a day rather than being selfish. Sally Struthers needs to gain a few hundred more pounds using our money! More save the Earth.

Please. Fuck off! :finger:


Well-Known Member
99% certainty that ACC is real.

No comment on how much of an influencing factor it is on climate change.

Statistics being used to sell a story without actually saying anything at all.