Removing leaves


Active Member
Hello, large shade leaves that are blocking light to lower branches be removed without causing stress to the plant. Is removing leaves really detrimental to the plants.
I have witnessed plants that have had a lot of their leaves removed flourish into good yielding plants, but am sill unsure if it's a good thing or not.



Well-Known Member
I did during flowering but not during the grow phase. My plants have never suffered any ill effects as a result when done in moderation.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with shamegame thats prob a better idea. I will try that next time too. Little string might be better than cutting.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.
Will tuck what I can away and remove only the ones that are really blocking the light.


Well-Known Member
or if u r not to far into flower you can chop the lower branches, they typically dont produce much anways. late


Well-Known Member
the first plant i ever grew (try not to laugh i was such a nube) was growing great. Then i figured i'd take a stab at cloning so i cut about 15 leaves(yes leaves) (no not flowers) just the leaves.. threw those in some jiffys then about an hour later (after some googlage) realized how retarded that was but the plant itself grew an enormous top bud(super popsicle) and i have never been able to recreate that bud size (i dont usually cut the leaves anymore ) i still cut off the lower branches that i know will produce very little (usually not even worth the time it takes to trim it) but i HAVE been wondering about maybe instead of cutting the lower branches if you just cut off all the lower branches leaves ..and have all the nutrients and whatnot
go to the top of the plant and maybe to the very last bud of the lower branches... i'm tempted to just go leatherface on one of my plants to see:roll:

Check out my grow


Active Member
cbraaszy.... I did exactly the same thing 8 years ago, only I let two growers have a look at my hanywork, as you can guess IU was left a little red faced.
Nice to know I aint the only numbskull:)