Red Stems 40 days 12/12


Active Member
I have 7 plants going now everything seems fine. 4 are almost 6 feet tall the other 3 are about 4 1/2 feet . most of them were in vegitation for 30 days and I am 40 days into the flowering stage. Like I said everthing seems good they have nice full budding areas altough right now just alot more pistols than green in the buds. The top 4 sprouts are connecting are connecting so they are starting to fill out. They are starting to form alot of crystals. One problem I have is I dont know what type of seeds I had. They all came from really good smoke but I have no clue what I have here. Is there a way I could tell what kind they are at this stage? The other problem I have is 3 of the taller ones are starting to form red or purple stems on the fan leaves.1 of them has been showing red or purple throughout the whole grow but that one leaves are turning almost a yellow. I water them right when the lights turn on. I feed them every third watering. when I went to a local grow shop they told me to use davids 3 step base,grow, and bloom. Also they stink like they should but if I go close to the top buds they smell funny almost like a moldy smell.But I have worked very hard to get to this point can anyone be specific on what I am doing wrong? I am sure you can tell this is my first grow so I am nervous about everything. Thanks for any help!!!


Elite Rolling Society
If you will google the words INDICA and SATIVA, both separated by commas, you will find pics to sompare yours to theirs.
BAG SEED is normally Sativa, if it was Mex or Columbian.

I laways get purple stems on the big leaves. It's normal.


Well-Known Member
Any pics? Easier to help you with plant issues. From your description it sounds like a calcium deficency. The red stems are often a sign of this issue. Most often when there is a calcium issue there is also a magnesium deficency too. Check out these links and read through the article about mag and cal. Good luck
Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse
Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse


Active Member
Thanks alot I will add some calcium and magnesium. I will have pics in a couple days... am i watering right.....what about the weird smell on the top buds is that normal? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot I will add some calcium and magnesium. I will have pics in a couple days... am i watering right.....what about the weird smell on the top buds is that normal? Thanks again
At the moment i have 6 unknowns going. They are at 37 days flowering today. One of em smells musty/musky when I squeeze the bud then smell my fingers, non of the others smell that way, strain related. Try smelling a lower bud and see. Seems like your watering schedule is okay. Are you letting the soil dry completely before you water again?


Active Member
thanks for responding.. the lower buds smell like they should.. the soil is completly dry after 24 hours (at least it seems like it). after 37 days of flowering does yany of your lower buds show anything but a big cluster of white hairs? Ithink they are called pistols. and a few of them seem a little slower than the rest i assume that would have something to do with the strain. but so far i am very impressed with how they are growing but i never grew before so i do not know what to expect only what i read and see on the net.


Well-Known Member
Some Cal-mag by Botanicare. You can get this either on the net or your local garden/hydro shop. It's about 20 bucks for the small one, 32 ounce size.

"thanks for responding.. the lower buds smell like they should.. the soil is completly dry after 24 hours (at least it seems like it). after 37 days of flowering does yany of your lower buds show anything but a big cluster of white hairs? Ithink they are called pistols. and a few of them seem a little slower than the rest i assume that would have something to do with the strain. but so far i am very impressed with how they are growing but i never grew before so i do not know what to expect only what i read and see on the net."

The lower buds are actually the last to mature, so mine aren't that developed yet either. Some popcorn nugs are the perfect bowl size. Some growers cut the small lower branches off, but i don't. Once they pop up through the canopy they end up being good little nugs. They all get sticky with trichomes.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing bagseed also, so I probably have several different strains. some are tall and lanky, some are short and bushy. the coloring varies with my plants too. be sure your humidity is lower than it was during veg because, naturally, with the season change, humidity drops, so you should do that too indoors. be sure to get good circulation, especially during flowering to avoid bud rot, mold.
I plan to harvest the tops of my plants first, only cutting buds, not leaf, branch or stem...then do the bottom awhile after...but I'm still in veg stage. get your pics up and take a look at my album photos.



Well-Known Member
The purple/red color you see in the stems is completely normal, as is the coloration on the leaves. Many varieties, especially sativas, develop beautiful colors as the flowering cycle progresses, much like many plants in the wild do during the Autumn season.