
Well-Known Member
Cali hash plant and MTF have been under the hps for a month now and the skywalker and larry are 3 weeks. I did have the MTF and Calihash plant in veg under just an 80w fluoro for a few weeks prior but as you can see from my first pictures on here at the beginning, they where not big at all then and have exploded under the hps
damn. nice. what you expecting to yield per clone?


Well-Known Member
damn. nice. what you expecting to yield per clone?
Ideally I'm hoping for 2oz per plant for a total of a half lb. the way things are looking calihash will be over 2 oz and skywalker might be a bit under, you know how things go. But thats the plan. However, considering at this stage I still have 6 weeks left of veg before I even switch the lights, and i've never grown any of these strains so I don't know what to expect growth wise, its tough to guess how big they will actually be when I harvest them.

From the sizes they are now though, if I switched to 12/12 today id guess around 30gms from calihash, about 20gms each from MTF and Larry, and like a half oz from skywalker. But hopefully they will be monsters when I actually change the lights to 12/12 in 6 more weeks :weed:


Well-Known Member
how big are your pots? that yield seems more then reasonable i would assume. i bet if u scrog with them clones strategically tucked under a screen would yield u a lb.


Well-Known Member
how big are your pots? that yield seems more then reasonable i would assume. i bet if u scrog with them clones strategically tucked under a screen would yield u a lb.
I'm using 2 gallon pots at the moment. I was actually thinking of doing a scrog next grow, im going to clone all these plants before I put them into flower. I don't know about a lb with a 250w, but im sure it'd be a nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
well if you get a gram per watt (yes easier said then done) that would give u a half lb. if u yield 1.3 grams that would be 325 or 11 oz. not a lb, but very fucking close to it. i dunno, ive been in plenty of arguments with people on here about the topic of gpw weight. i think its more accurate if you take wet weight instead of dry because things like environment and the growers choice of technique that determines how the bud cures. would you look at this!! wish i could of found this link when i was arguing but i couldn't, but i just found it

this link aint just for you but i think everyone should adapt to the concept. if your yielding 6 oz dry, chances are what you grew was well over a lb b4 u dried it.

now this links just for you!