really need some help!!!!!! +rep for anything that works


Well-Known Member
Alright my plants leaves and branches not just the leaves are turning yellow with brown spots on them and then just dieing but it seems like its just the bottom of the plant, the top leaves are being slightly effected but not as bad as the lower part of the plant there are also little black dots on the stems of the leaves and branches. I have tried everything, the ph is what its always been at, same nutrients I have been giving them (general hydroponics), I have flushed, changed nutrient strength, pretty much everything but the plants still wont get better they have been doing this for a few weeks now the problem started right around when I put them into flowering so whats up anybody have any ideas?



Well-Known Member
FLUSH FLUSH>> still have time my riu brother flush prune whatever is
50% dead other wise leave her alone shell bounce back........+REP.............


Well-Known Member
when you re introduce nutes cut the nitrogen and get something with more potassium and phosphorus